It doesn't matter what time it actually is, it's meal and/or snack time. Treat yourself. Food is life. If you don't eat, you'll starve! You'll feel weak. You'll get hangry and push everyone you love away. So, yes, you should go get that slice you were just thinking about getting. Listen, we're not trying to encourage unhealthy eating habits, we just think if you eat when you're feeling hungry, then that's a healthy eating habit. Is your tummy rumbling? Then maybe you should listen. It doesn't matter that you had a big breakfast, your body is saying, "feed me!" So listen. In the meantime, distract yourself with humor between meals. Memes are great! They might not be the burger from your favorite greasy joint, but they'll get you LOLing and that feeds the mind and soul. Plus, having a meal with some good laughs included is the best way to eat.