Welcome back ladies and gentlemen of the internet. In any relationship, it's important to note each person's expectations from the get go. If someone needs more or less attention, love, or gestures, it needs to be known. If someone expects their partner to cook, clean, shop, work, take care of the kids, and make them a sandwich everyday, then so be it.
In this particular Reddit thread, the couple is just as I described above. They have two kids, one of which is a baby who needs a lot of care, and they both work full-time. The woman works from home, which is a typical excuse for one's partner to accuse them of having little to do, or having more free time than them. For anyone who has worked from home, they know this isn't the case. Not only is this woman taking care of the house in every way, she's still doing her husband's laundry and making him sandwiches for work everyday…can you say man-child?
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