When you are looking for a new job opportunity, everything seems so high stakes, and every small stumble can end up with you losing your one big chance. It mostly feels like you can never make a mistake because hiring managers usually need to sift through hundreds of candidates, so they wouldn't mind letting go of someone even for the smallest of things.
However, it is one thing to lose a job prospect because of a mistake you made, it is entirely different to lose it because of a mistake of someone else.
In this tale, an internship candidate lost their opportunity because the manager claimed they never responded to the email about scheduling an interview. OP (original poster) knew that the manager was mistaken, and had the email receipts to prove it, showing exactly how they replied and when. Even so, that didn't stop the manager from hiring someone else, which made OP really upset about the injustice.
Keep scrolling to read the full story, and even view the proof OP provided. Up next, check out this story of a mechanic who failed to fix a customer's car for over three months.
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This image is for illustration only, and the subjects are models; the image does not depict the actual subjects of the story.
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