‘In the end, a waste of time and money': Head and safety manager gets quietly demoted, turns in his resignation letter and binder of every infraction to the government auditors

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  • My friend sticking it to his cheap a company! So awhile ago my friend quit his company with the best petty revenge! A long time ago, he was the head of health and safety of a startup company. It did very well and was eventually bought out by a larger company. He didn't like the new company but eventually was job hunted but a larger corporation.
  • The larger corporations placed him as head of health and safety of a very large sulphuric acid plant. With in the first year he made tons of enemies with in the management structure, and cost the corporations well over a million dollars into getting the site up to just below governmental code and regulations, in his words would have gotten it up to code of not for the push back and red tape.
  • Anyhow after a few years of being in his position, bringing proper training programs, contractors and hours of meeting with the CEO, he had a suffered a heart attack due to stress and took 8 months of medical leave. He came back to fine his temporary replacement (a yes man) now his boss, and what the company claimed wasn't a demotion but a shift in his position. Same pay but no authority.
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  • He stayed there for a year, bidding his time, and finally, a government audit came. His new boss showed the agents around, taking credit for all the improvement my friend made over the years and directed them around the sketchy areas. At the end of the audit, my friend handed the auditors a hefty binder full of all the areas they should look at. Then, he handed in his resignation letter to his newish boss.
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  • The corporations try to take legal action against him, which he didn't even know about, until one of the higher-ups that like what he was doing reached out and told him that thier lawyers said what he did was technically not illegal, morally grey but in the end a waste of time and money!
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  • GarminTamzarian Only a corporate lawyer could describe reporting violations of health and safety laws as a "morally gray" activity.
  • OkSeaworthiness9145 There is an ocean of difference between "morally grey", and illegal. If by morally grey they ment keeping workers safe in *checks notes* sulfuric acid factory, it raises the question whether it was morally grey or not.
  • Atlas-Scrubbed Not sure which country your friend is from, but in the US, there are whistle blower laws. If the company tries to sue or harass your friend, he can sue and win a very large judgment.
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  • Arceedos "Yeah let's sue the last safety guy for showing the safety auditor possible safety issues"
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  • Goma... You are protected by U.S/DOL/ESA/OSHA regulations. If you forced out for reporting OSHA violations, that is retaliation and a payday for you. Look into it. Lesser pay in the new job and forced to resign because of retaliation.
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  • redditzphkngarbage You'd think with sulfuric acid one would kinda want to do things the right way...


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