Manager calls employee ‘ungrateful’ after she expects to be paid for working overtime: ‘I'm so tired of this mindset’

  • "I was stunned."
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  • "Got called ‘ungrateful’ for not wanting to work overtime for free"

    1 (20F) just started my first full-time job a few months ago, and I've been trying really hard to make a good impression.
  • I show up on time, finish my tasks early, and even pick up extra shifts when someone calls out. But last week, my manager asked if I could stay late to help clean up after a big project. I said sure, thinking I'd get paid for it.
  • Well, turns out, that extra time was "off the clock" because the store was "over budget on hours". When I asked about it, my manager got annoyed
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  • and said I should want to help the team and that this job is about "more than just a paycheck:. I was stunned. I work hard because I want to build a
  • future for myself, not because I'm doing this job for fun. Why would anyone stay late and work for free when we're barely making enough to get by?
  • Cheezburger Image 10454379776
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  • When I said I couldn't stay late if I wasn't being paid, they called me ungrateful and said I wasn't a "team player".
  • Now I'm worried they're going to cut my hours or make my life harder at work. All because I set a boundary about not working for free.
  • Why is it that so many jobs expect us to sacrifice out time and energy for nothing in return? They say it's
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  • about "team spirit", but really, it's just another way to take advantage of people. I'm so tired of this mindset..
  • Jgravy32 You need to contact the department of labor. What your boss did was illegal and you shouldn't ever do any work for free. Do so immediately and you will receive payment.
  • Fi... That's not legal at all. It's wage theft. NEVER work off the clock. Not even a small task. If you slip and fall and get injured, they are off the hook
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  • If you let this one slide, assert yourself in the future. Say "If I'm not on clock, my shift is over. Bye!" It's hard to stand up to people. You'll be proud of yourself and respect yourself, even if they fire you for it
  • parkesc "I won't be a team player if you won't be a team payer."
  • WesternFungi Contact DoL file a complaint against your boss. You have legal protections from retaliation if your boss finds out it was you.
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  • Planning Vigilante "This job is about more than a paycheck" ... LOL I can see a nonprofit trying to pull that B but cmon, it sounds like you work retail. Nobody works retail for the love of the mission. HAH Also, what everyone else said about it being illegal.
  • CMDR_PEARJUICE You must be paid for all work, period. There is no such thing as "off the clock work", it is illegal.
  • kissyb Send an email to your manager outlining the entire conversation about working. off the clock and him calling you "ungrateful". Form a paper trail and professionally tell him about you not working off the clock and. Create a paper trail.
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  • Moist Rule9623 EVERY. JOB. IS ENTIRELY. ABOUT THE PAYCHECK. Get away from me with the "team player" cr this is not fr ing intramural sports this is my that I do for a living. You job want me to do more work, I wanna make a better living. End of discussion.


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