Delivery guy refuses to move his van despite it blocking a resident's way out, resident decides to get payback while waiting by giving driver a taste of his own medicine: ‘I won't move’

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    "You block my driveway? Fine, I'll block your van."

    This happened some years ago, but I still remember the situation very clearly. My house has a garage next to it and a driveway to get out of my property and onto the street. The
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    street in front of my house is rather narrow, two cars can't pass each other safely, and there are no sidewalks. Next to the street are walls (in that
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    area people like to build small stone or concrete walls around their property - not really high (50cm?), but high enough to make it a barrier for cars and such). There are
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    no official stopping restrictions, but due to the narrow street and the numerous driveways it's obvious that parking on the street is a really bad idea. Next to my property
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    is a restaurant that gets stuff delivered every now and then. The kitchen entrance is next to our driveway, the delivery drivers usually park on the parking area across the
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    street so they won't block traffic (the street is used by residents mainly, so there is not much traffic anyway). On one particular day I had to leave quite
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    urgently as I was heading to the town hall to pick up some documents like my new identity card. Exactly on this day a delivery driver decided to park his van next to my driveway
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    just to save some meters of walking. He didn't block my driveway, but I couldn't exit my property. Backing up to get out wasn't an option either because of the concrete walls. When he came out
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    to pick up the next box I kindly asked him to move his van, he denied and pointed out that he turned on his hazard flasher, as if they are entitling him for parking
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    wherever he wants. He continued delivering and left me kinda annoyed because of this entitlement and stupidity.
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    Cue petty revenge: I was sitting in my car, still blocking half the street as I couldn't get out. The delivery driver finally finished his job, started his van and wanted to move
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    forward so he wouldn't have to back up which obviously was a pain in his a. He gestured to move away - I could have backed my car 2 or 3 meters so he could pass
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    me and do a U-turn further down the street... but I didn't. I switched off my engine and switched on my hazard flasher. You could literally see how we went from annoyed to
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    fuming angry in a split second which made me laugh even more. After shouting out some profanities he realized I won't move, so he had to back up like 300 meters
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    while still yelling and ranting profoundly. XD I was late for picking up my documents, but couldn't stop grinning the whole day.
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    theartofwastingtime Don't forget to take pictures, get his license plate number and report him to his company.
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    heingericke_ I'm reading and reading. And I'm like, please turn on your hazards. Please turn on your hazards. You could see the moment coming. Absolute perfection.
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    StrictShelter971 Love it! Gave him a taste of his own medicine.
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    Greedy_Literature_54 I love it when an AH gets played by his own rules!
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    justaman_097 Well played! I think that he needs to understand how hazard lights work. Nice job in showing him.
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