23-year-old brother loses job to 28-year-old sister with more experience, family falls apart: 'My brother basically threw a fit'

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    So this happened a couple years ago, but no matter what, I can't get over how entitled my brother acted.
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    For context, my brother (at the time about 23) & my oldest sister (at the time about 28) both applied to one of the only jobs hiring near where they lived. The job was for a cashier position,
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    which sister had several years experience in customer service, while brother only worked 1 year at a factory in his life & quit cause he didn't get a raise claiming it was "unfair" when staff who worked there for 5+ years got raises.
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    But anyways one day we were out shopping when my sister got a call from the job they both applied for. They wanted her in for an interview. When hearing
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    that, my brother basically threw a fit. He told my sister it was "unfair you got an interview & i didn't when i put in an application a week before you did & even called to check up on it" I
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    reminded him our sister has experience, while he doesn't. He then repeated "but I put in an application first, I should be first"
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    then I told him that that's not how interviews work, they wait for the ones with experience so they don't have to do much training.
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    & He got even more upset & claimed that "the store is s she's only getting hired cause she's a female" which honestly made me so irritated, he was acting like a child & our Dad tried backing him up, telling my sister
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    to "put in a good word for your brother" my sister told our dad that there's no way she can do that cause even if she gets hired, it would be wrong to immediately convince them to hired our brother. While this conversation
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    was going on, brother kept on going on about how the owner is male, so he must be st & only want females since currently the only staff there are women, so in order to get in, he needed our sister to tell them to hire him too during her interview. I noticed my
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    during her interview. I noticed my sister getting upset throughout everything. At first she was so excited to get the interview & was hoping everyone to be happy for her, but instead they acted like she was wrong for getting the interview instead of our brother.
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    I told my Dad & brother that that was enough & that she got the interview cause she has several years of experience under her belt while our brother had none &
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    it had nothing to do with her & that no, she was not gonna mention our brother during her interview or after getting hired cause if they didn't contact him, clearly he didn't cut & to just stop. After that, everyone went silent.
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    Cocoa AlmondsRock 2h ago I'm curious whether he ever got a job? That he kept for more than a year without quitting because he was a victim?
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    the_simurgh • 2h ago He didn't get hired because he's an a hle.
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    ThistleBeeGreat • 2h ago What a tiresome bunch of
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    LittleWatercress97 • 1h ago Your brother is a professional victim
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    whydya-dodat .52m ago Tell your brother and dad, "Hey, I called the company and they said that yours was the first application they received. It was also the first one that they rejected."
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    Obvious_Amphibi... • 1h ago Good on you for standing up for your sister.


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