This one is for all of you out there who still believe that cats are emotionless, aloof creatures that don't care about anyone but themselves. Nothing is further from the truth, and we cat people know that for certain. We know that cats are incredibly affectionate, we know that cats love their chosen humans with all their hearts, we know that some cats will show their love more obviously and some cats will have their own ways of showing it, but they all feel it, you just need to be able to read them.
Still, this video will prove once and for all just how much cats can get attached to all kinds of things, and honestly, we don't know if you're ready for the cuteness. This adorable cat has absolutely fallen in love with a stuffed animal. Clearly, the cat is looking for someone to shower with affection, and its human decided that… it's time to bring in a sibling for it. Cue the adorable confusion.
Check out the Nyan Cat product collection presented by ICanHasCheezburger: shop here!