
Butterfly Pea vs Clitoria Ternatea: Viral TikTok Uncovers Risqué Drama from the 1800s Over Naming a Flower


While researching the recipe to a fancy cocktail, TikToker @annatheaverage came across the most amazing feud from the 1800s and TikTok is living for it.


So, @annatheaverage simply wanted to make a cocktail that is a pretty purplish/bluish color. She saw that a flower called the Butterfly Pea is what gave it that intense color and upon further research she found out the genus name to it was Clitoria Ternatea. Seeing how awesome that genus name was she got even further down the rabbit hole of this flower and found the most epic debate.


The viral video explains that in 1678 a Polish naturalist named Jacob Breyne found this flower and decided to make its scientific name Clitoria Ternatea, because… Well, just look at it. Bryene was probably just trying to help nerdy botanist around the world out and give them an easy visual on how to please a woman. But in the early 1800s these nerdy botanist were completely shocked by such a crude name—and thus the debate to change the name ensued. 


The Clitoria Ternatea:


Luckily, the name prevailed for the sexy AF flower and its genus remains Clitoria Ternatea. Though many scientists and botanists still choose to call it by any of its many other names like Butterfly Pea, Asian Pigeonwings, Bluebellvine, Cordofan Pea, or Darwin Pea. The Internet knows the truth now, thanks to this @annatheaverage, who ends her vide saying, “I will forever think of this guy [Jacob Breyne] as the guy who probably knew how to f***.” 


Ladies will be expecting a bouquet of Clitoria this Valentine's Day, instead of those lame roses, fellas. 


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