Cats being wild little creatures who think they're always in charge is not a new concept. Let's be honest, they kind of are always in charge. Remember when the Egyptians worshipped them? Yeah, they definitely still think they're gods. And if you meet any cat owner, you'd see that most of them truly do worship their cat or cats.
TikToker @autumntheeseason, who describes her self as “obsessed” with her cat, went on a rant calling out all cat haters. She explains that cats being a-holes is more than half of the fun. “I really hate when people who don't like cats are like, ‘I don’t like cats because they're a-holes'—bro, that's literally more than half the fun of owning a cat,” she says. “Tell me what could be funnier on this planet than a helpless oversized cotton ball living in your home, needing you to live and untangle it from the weirdest messes and this little bumbling creature still thinks that it is the boss.”
Original Sound:
The original video got over 800k views and cat lovers on TikTok begged her to turn it into a sound they could use. When she did, that video got almost 500k views and thousand of kitty obsessed TikTokers using her sound to show off their own king of the castle fur ball maniac.
Many cats love to knock crap off counters, surprise attack for no reason, and are constantly getting themselves into the weirds predicaments. But holy crap are they cute doing it. How can anyone say they don't like cats? You either just haven't met the right cat, you have zero sense of humor, or… you don't know what a cat is. Even people who are deadly allergic still yearn for the ability to smoosh their face in a smol floofy kitty. Feeling down? Box of kittens stat!
Fights Household Items:
TVs? Don't trust ‘em. Closet doors? Gotta check it out. They’re just looking out for you.
Always in the Way:
They love a warm place to nap—so you're just going to have to sacrifice your laptop, freshly delivered pizza, face for breathing, basically anywhere that's warm and cozy. Can you blame them?
Oh you want that? Lemme just sit on it real quick:
Perhaps sitting on something first is a cats way of making sure it's not a threat? Did you ever think of that?
Candy Thief:
Well, thief might be a strong word. It's just the treat tax for your kitty.
What a Predicament:
The situations your little floof balls get into are just grade-A comedy. Like, how did you manage to get stuck in a sock?
This Cat Means Business:
Yo, don't mess with business cat. They will financially ruin you.
The Boss, but Also Endless Comedy:
Maybe not the same as a business cat, but all cats are the boss. So just sit back, do what they say, and enjoy the entertainment.
Serious Cattitude:
It's not like your local teenager's attitude. Cattitude is cute and lovable.
Will Attack Unprovoked:
Kitten attacks happen at any moment. They're just keeping you on your toes, getting you ready for any sort of battle.
Does Not Share:
You're drinking a glass of water? Not anymore. If the cat claims it as their's, it is now officially their's.
Always Watching:
Nothing gets by your cat. It's in their blood to stalk their prey. You just gotta accept it.
Beware of Murder Mittens:
Listen, the toe beans are absolutely adorable. There's no argument there. But like, be careful.
They Will Break You:
Emotionally AND physically. But probably more emotionally than physically.
Listens to the Demon Voices in Their Head:
Yeah, who knows the evil forces who speak to these little cotton balls? Best to just ignore it.
Will Bite the Hand that Feeds Them:
You think you can control the kitty?? Ha! Oh no, sweetie. That boss cat has you wrapped around its tail.
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