Oil Rig Roughnecks are Giving TikTokers an Insight Into the Tough Blue Collar Lifestyle That They Love


To outsiders, working on an oil rig looks like an insane job. You have to be away from your home and family weeks at a time; the conditions are intense; the work is physically demanding; and you rarely get days off for bad weather. You're going to be exhausted at the end of every day and you're only going to get to see your coworkers. 


But to the people who actually work on an oil rig, this job is life. Because of the intense conditions, your coworkers instantly become your family. You have to be able to trust them, because one slip up and it could mean someone's life. Plus, the physical aspect keeps your body moving and helps you challenge your strength. It's a game of mind and body, and these roughnecks are finding their balance while on the rig.


TikTok is usually a place for silly pet videos, or dumb comedy bits. But these oil riggers are using it to show their pride for their job and give viewers a taste into why they love it so much. Some of these videos, like the ones where the an oil rigger basically uses a chain to lasso a giant pipe, get over a million views. 


Chain Lasso

Stripper Pipe


It's not just videos of these guys showing off how good they are at their jobs, because that's not the only reason they love what they do. They also show clips of when they get to a have a little bit of fun on these rigs. Though it's a tough job that has a lot of risks, that doesn't mean you can't have a laugh or two to keep the days rolling.


Try Not to Headbang Challenge

What is Going On Inside Their Head?

When Bae Says Come Home


One roughneck TikToker posted, “I've found this to be the best place to free your mind, battle your demons, take out all the frustrations and drown the world out…” It's obvious this very tough job is more than just a job to these workers. Viewers are mesmerized by the videos of them working and want to know more. There are so many different processes and mechanics that go on at an oil rig that non-blue collar workers never even knew about.


Oil Rig ASMR

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