Most people on TikTok didn't even know “biology consultant” was a job. Biologists are scientists who are interested in studying life on Earth, whether it is an individual cell, a multicellular organism, or a community of interacting populations. A biology consultant works with developers and construction crews on site to make sure the wildlife in the area isn't hurt and that the entire project is respecting environmental laws. It's actually a very important job, and without it the environment would be even worse off than it is now.
“Ultimately, we are ensuring that development gets done the right way with damaging as little as possible and applying the laws and regs," says the Froggie biologist. The scientist loves his job and posts videos that educate viewers on the job, the wildlife he works at saving, and to have a little fun often on his TikTok @froggiebiologist. He helps all kinds of wildlife, but within the first few minutes of viewing his videos, you know frogs are his favorite.
Biology & Construction meet
His followers are a mix of construction workers and environmentalists, truly bringing together a stereotypically divided group of people. His videos show a personality that is a little on both sides—he wants to help developers develop, but he also wants to save the animals. His job isn't just walking around and looking at frogs. He has to go on massive hikes to counts certain animals. He has to snorkel to document the local fish population. He also as to figure out how to properly relocate animals if needed and be a whistler blowers when the construction isn't respecting the wildlife.
Fight for da Frogs
Looking for Burrowing Owls
He loves frogs and most of his content is about his duty towards the amphibians. But he also saves many other creatures. One of his most recent posts has him using tools many people have seen passing construction sites, but none really knowing what they were for. Now, with Froggie Biologist, we know that those tools are for searching out wildlife. In the video above, he's trying to find burrowing owls. Going birdwatching to make sure the bird life is safe is also something he often has to do for work. He even has a video of himself saving a tarantula by picking it up with a stick and relocating it.
How to Become a Froggie Biologist
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