I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Adorable Pet Cockatiel Bird Named Soup Goes Viral for Tweeting "Wee" While Riding Down the Stair's Railing


Everyone knows a cat person or a dog person, but what about a bird person? That kind of person is on an entirely different level. They're different than bird watchers or bird enthusiasts. We're talking pet bird owners. These people are keeping feathery little dinosaurs in their homes and they will absolutely do anything for them. 


Now, meet Soup. This little cockatiel is a happy little floof of a bird that has a blast with his ma. She's constantly posting videos of Soup and his chirpy little siblings just tweeting around. Soup is definitely the most fluent in sound effects. He's recently going viral for his cute little “weees" while riding down the railing of a set of stairs. In the video it sounds like maybe Soup is going to fly down the railing, but it's really just him riding his ma's hand down the railing and sounding like he's having a perfectly fun wholesome time. 



Have you ever heard a cockatiel say “wee?" His cute little tweety accent melts any animal lover's heart, even the cat and dog people. It's the perfect little birdy rollercoaster. Viewers are going absolutely bonkers for this adorable video. One viewer wonders if maybe Soup is feeling the same drop in the stomach that us humans feel when we're going down a hill on a rollercoasters. Others are just stoked that he says “weee” in bird and now can't stop imagining humans tweeting that sweetly while riding a giant rollercoaster. The entire viral-ness of this is cute and wholesome. 



This isn't the first time Soup has spoken words of cuteness that has been shared on TikTok. He's know to say “honk" and “woo” and give kisses. Who would've thunk tiny feathered dinosaurs could be so cute? Bird people definitely thunk it. 


“He went ZOOM”

Compilation of Woos





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