
New Viral Trend Has TikTokers Posting Facts So Ridiculous That They Didn't Even Believe Them Until They Looked It Up


Why isn't there a class in high school that just has you memorizing ridiculous random facts to whip out during lulls in conversation? Personally, I only found out that narwals were real in college and that was a fact that absolutely rocked my world—but I'm stupid. These TikTokers, however, are really laying down some mind blowing facts that will definitely get you saying, “no way” or “whaaaat?!” Have Google handy in another tab, just in case you're so taken aback that you have to go and fact check it yourself.  


Be prepared to get your mind blown:


Titanic Movie Fact (Original Video)

While preparing for the film, director James Cameron took so many dives to the real Titanic tragedy at the bottom of the ocean, that he had spent more time on the ship than the actual passengers did. 


Marriage/Divorce Fact

If you're married to someone for over 10 years and neither of you get remarried, if one of you dies, the other is able to claim the spousal support from social security as well as some of their social security money, 


American Cancer Society Fact & NFL Fact

The list of “good” foods provided by the official American Cancer Society to help people struggling with cancer—over half of them are known carcinogens… And guess what, the NFL, the huge billion dollar thing, it's actually a “non-profit.” 


Scary Pregnancy Fact

In the U.S., the #1 cause of death for pregnant people is homicide. And it's especially high for Black women. 


Fact about the word “Sh*t”

Some think it actually came from an old nautical term with it being an acronym for “Store High In Transit.” It was basically used to label flammable items so sailor wouldn't blow themselves up when the entered a dark cargo area and light a match for light. So lots of cargo was labeled “sh!t."


Gladiator Movie Fact

Ridley Scott toned down the historical accuracy of the film because gladiator were sponsored and billboards were a thing back then too, but if people saw that they wouldn't believe it. It's called the “Tiffany Effect" because Tiffany sounds like a modern name, but it actually dates back to the 12th century. 


Flour Fact

It's not bad to eat raw batter because of the raw eggs, it's bad because of the raw flour—it's not possible to remove all of the contaminants, so you might be eating some bird poop with that raw cookie dough… 


 Subway Sandwich

It was not named after the subway systems around the world, contrary to their usual wall art. It was named Subway because back in the day the IRA got a submarine they didn't know what to do with, so they toured it around America for people to see it. One guy who saw it was an Italian baker who started making bread in the shape of that submarine and called them “subs.”


Gas Fact

It's actually cheaper to produce Diesel than it is regular gas. They just hike the price because more people use it and the gas companies are money hungry cash gobblers 


How to Cook a Chicken without Fire

3, 725.95 miles per hour is how fast you'd have to slap a chicken to cook it. Bonus insane fact in the comments: Broccoli is man made!


Kidney Transplant Fact

They don't remove the old kidney that needs the 'ole switch aroo. They simply place the new kidney right on top of the old on…


Pringles Facts

The inventor of the Pringles can was so proud of his invention, the a portion of his cremated body was buried in a Pringles can, original flavor. Also, fyi, the mustached man pictured on the can has a name and it's Julius. 


Most Translated Wikipedia Articles

  1. Jesus  2. Obama  3. Corbin Bleu from High School Musical


Blimp Fact

There are only 25 blimps in existence. 


Animal Fact

The #1 predatory of a moose is a friggin' Orca whale… A giant land creature's #1 enemy is a giant ocean creature… What?? 


Snake Fact

Despite being extremely venomous, the Sonoran coral snake's primary defense is to fart and then slither away as fast as possible. lol


Beef Fact

The plural for beef is “beeves." BEEVES. “Hey dad, throw a few more beeves on the BBQ!” Like, what?!


Freaky Baby Fact

Babies can frickin' grow back fingertips if they get chopped off. 


Chainsaw Fact

They were originally invented for troublesome births. If the baby got stuck, the chainsaw was used to cut the woman open to help the baby out… 


Cow Fact

Did you know that cows can have accents depending on where they're from? Like, they could say “moo” or maybe “müü." 


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