Redditor Switches Milk On Lactose Intolerant Flatmate, Causes Her To Poop Herself In Job Interview


It’s practically a right of passage these days that most of us have to live with the roommate from hell at some point. From “forgetting” to take the trash out for months on end, to blasting music at three in the morning, you never get a more intimate (and annoying) look at the different ways in which other people behave in their homes than when you’re forced to live with them because you can’t afford otherwise.

Everyone has particular behaviors that drive them crazy when it comes to sharing their space with other people, but one that is almost universally guaranteed to piss someone off is stealing their stuff. Many of us are guilty of practicing a little non-consensual sharing with a roommate from time to time, but these things happen on a sliding scale. Trying their fancy new shower gel that one time is not the same as polishing off the prime rib steak they left in the fridge.

Sometimes, though, the worst offenses are the most persistent ones. This was certainly the case for u/moonbyjonghyun, when the woman they live with kept drinking most of the hazelnut milk that they used for their coffee. After deciding enough was enough, they decided to switch back to dairy milk, assuming their lactose intolerant roommate would leave it alone. However, that was not to be the case.

After telling the dramatic tale in full, fellow Redditors quickly sided with the longsuffering milk buyer.

Like many commenters, u/The_Real_Scrotus was confused about why she was taking issue with it. “It's not like you secretly filled up a hazelnut milk carton with other milk. She drank regular milk out of a milk carton that was clearly labeled, knowing that she was lactose intolerant. This is entirely on her”.

Meanwhile, u/Waterproofbooks was more blunt: “don't feel bad about her job opportunity, it wouldn't have gone well anyways seeing as she clearly can't read”, they said.

The roommate's wild behavior didn't end there.

While OP confirmed that the packaging on the two types of milk was very different, this hadn't stopped their roomie going further in trying to get even for the mix-up and its embarrassing results. There's no way that mess isn't intentional.

People offered their best solutions in terms of petty revenge.

While sometimes it pays to play fair, when people decide to take advantage of your generosity it's understandable to have a blunt response. In an ideal world that wouldn't involve somebody losing control of their bodily functions, but then they wouldn't stop you from drinking your coffee how you like it, either. 


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