
Couple Married for 26 Years Show TikTokers a Healthy Relationship Simply Through Cleaning Their Attic


There is no one factual way to have a long and healthy marriage, but as humans we're always looking for one. Every couple has their own “secret tip” on how they've stayed married so long. Some say never going to be angry, others say to always have dinner together, some even say it's about giving each other space, the “tips” are endless. But, again, it's different for every couple. 


For this couple, it's cleaning out their attic. TikToker @bigbeau7 only has three videos on his profile, but they've all gone viral. Why? Because they show several things that they say is the key to their 27 years of marriage. In the video, the wife is somewhere high up and the husband is below. You can only see the husband standing below the wife, but you can hear the wife in the background. She can't see her husband down below that well, but she's still trusting him to be down there. As her husband is looking up towards her, she launches boxes full of random things to him, trusting he'll be there to catch them. She only tells him if the boxes are going to be heavy or not; she doesn't even give him a heads up for when she's dropping them down. 


Part 1


The first video says, “for all the young people out there, this video defines a marriage. Trust, communication, laughter, timing, and joy.” She's not just hucking small shoe boxes at him, she's launching full containers or things, some even labeled as fragile. You can see in the video that the couple truly do share a bond together and are having the time of their lives simply cleaning out the attic. Viewers are obsessed with the scene and want more. 


Part 2

Part 3


The TikToker shares a couple more videos from the scene. You can see the married couple laughing together and appreciating each other, even though you still never even see the wife. In the TikToker's profile is describes that it's the husband who runs the account and writes his description as “Married to the Most Amazing Woman. Father of 5. (3) Beautiful girls (2) Boys.” All it took were three videos and this description, and TikTokers have a beautioful example of a lovely healthy longtime relationship. 


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