Guy Finds Thousands of Frog Eggs in a Drying Up Puddle, Relocates Them to His Pond, Now Has Frog Army


Well, people are now resorting to frog armies, so that's a thing, I guess… TikToker @thingfrog helps save frogs from drying up and/or polluted water sources every year. Before this year, they said they saved hundreds. After this seasons search and rescue, they can say they've saved millions. 


Every day this TikToker has been going to a drying up muddy and polluted puddle near by to save frogspawn. These spawn will not survive once the water is all dried up, so this TikToker takes them and puts them in their own pond. They come in jelly-like clusters and there are hundreds in each handful. This person grabs hundreds of thousands each day. Now, they had estimated to have 1.4 million frog eggs hatching in their pond. 


Where it all began…

Saving the Frogspawn


Has they were gathering them, it turns out that they might have also grabbed a bunch of toad and newt eggs. The newt eggs might have blended in with the frogspawn, but the toad eggs actually appear very different. The TikToker says frog eggs come in clusters and usually stay towards the top of the water to get some sun. Whereas toad eggs appear in strings and usually like to stay towards the bottom of the water. 


1 Million Tadpoles


The tadpoles are a couple of months old now and are starting to sprout legs. It's insane to see how many of these little froggies are able to thrive in this tiny pond. The TikToker also has a few in their own tank indoors that he is making the parliament of the frogs. So, so far, there is a president frog, a king and queen frog, and more to come. 


2 Months & 1.4 Million Baby Frogs Later…



What will this person do with a frog army? What can possibly be done with millions of frogs? The TikToker probably won't have a mosquito problem this year, and frogs are actually very good for the ecosystem. Tadpoles help keep algae in ponds healthy and adult frogs obviously help keep the insect population in check, but also, they are a huge food source for tons of animals in the forest. So, if this frog army doesn't get trained by the CIA to be super soldiers, then they will at least be environmental soldiers and help nature. 


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