If we know anything about couples on Tiktok, it's that they just love pranking each other. Not only with filters, they also give each other fake gifts, get them with jump scares… Any prank you think of, it's probably been done and documented.
We're not quite sure what the appeal is with pranking. We suppose it's just extremely entertaining. We must admit we get a kick out of it too.
It helps that this ongoing prank is pretty harmless. It just doesn't look harmless because of the nature of the prank.
Allow us to introduce you to the ‘Sad Filter’
From the top liked video we found:

It looks crazy realistic, right? Thankfully, it's just a filter. And one of the interesting things is that the Tiktok viral video form actually derives from another platform, Snapchat.
Sorry, we just can't get over how realistic these look. Like, seriously.
The general idea of this prank is pretty simple, most people are approaching their loved ones and just filming their conversations together. What makes it so entertaining for the rest of us is that person B literally looks like they are on the verge of catastrophic tears.
Usually, the conversation is about why the other person looks sad, but obviously, the person being filmed has no idea why they are being perceived in that way.
There are thousands of videos using the filter on Tiktok already. Clearly, people are drawn to how realistic it looks.
Don't worry, we've prepared many examples for you to see for yourself.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Clearly, this trend is sweeping everyone's ‘For You’ pages, considering this one hilarious guy, Christian Del Grosso, felt the need to make a parody of it.
The Parody
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