Girl Shares Story of Her Border Collie Protecting Her, Sparks Others to Share Epic Stories of Their Pups Turning into Attack Dogs


TikToker @zoraiyamagnavox recently posted a video telling a story about her dog. She reenacts a traumatic moment from her childhood when she was growing up with her deadbeat dad. Her little sister was yelling at their dad for being horrible and saying that he should have never come back to them, etc. The dad grabbed her arm and was trying to take her down, but their border collie Koda was not having it. Apparently, the sweet pup was in another room with the door closed and he heard the commotion, broke down the door, and immediately went to attack the father. Nobody messes with a border collie's babies


“Koda was locked in his room when he heard my sis scream in pain," the TikToker writes. "He broke down the door & went STRAIGHT for my dad. Best. Dog. Ever.”


Koda Attacks


Since she posted the video many viewers have stories of their own of when their dog, who is normally the sweetest lil cutie pie, turned into their protector. Dogs have a very strong bond with their humans and as you can see with all these stories, will instantly change from sweet to killer if someone attempts to harm their human. It's actually very beautiful. Many people in the comment section can relate on a border collie level too, saying the collie's are well known for being very protective of their human babies. 





Koda was this TikToker's childhood dog, and passed at a sweet old age back in 2014. In the photos she shares of Koda, you would never expect that this dog could turn vicious. The sweet baby looks goofy and loving and not like he could take down a grown man for raising his hand to his human babies. It's obvious Koda and his humans had a very strong bond and loved each other very much. They both were extremely important parts of each others' lives. 


It's beautiful to see all these people being protected by their sweet dogs. Even the most docile sweet baby will do anything for their human and THAT is what they are humankind's best friend. 


Koda the Border Collie


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