Animal Comedy Newsletter

Pet Rat Sneaks Out of Enclosure to be the Emotional Support for Puppy in Crate Training


Almost every professional dog trainer will tell you to crate train your dog. It's not the worst thing in the world if you don't, but it has been proven that crate trained dogs just end up being more well-behaved. It not only keeps them from getting into trouble while you're busy, asleep, or out of the house, but it also gives them their own space and teaches them that being alone and independent can be a good thing. 


That being said, it can be very scary for pups in the beginning when they're left alone in their crate. Puppies just tend to hate to be left alone, and in a crate can be scary because you're stuck there. So it can be a long training process. Many trainers say to only do it for their first year and then they're fine without, but the beginning of the training process can come with an anxious dog (which is ironic since in the long run it helps prevent separation anxiety in dogs). 


One TikToker posts videos of her fur babies, which includes two puppies and some rats. Recently, she set up a camera to see how her dog was doing in the crate while alone. Again, it can be scary at first for dogs, so in the video he appears stressed and anxious, looking sad in his crate. All of a sudden, you see a rat waltz into the frame. The TikToker says the pet rat was locked up in her own enclosure, but inexplicably escaped somehow. You'd think maybe the pet rat got out to run a muck like animals do, but instead, she goes straight to her puppy brother and appears to be giving him emotional support. 


“Just a emotional support rat doing her job”


Rats are known to be highly intelligent and loving creatures. It's not surprise that this rat saw a sad baby pup and felt the urge to go comfort him. The dog named Copper and rat named Lily, have known each other since Copper was an even younger pup and they've always been affectionate and protective of each other. In the video it's adorable to see the concern of the rat in the way she goes back and forth checking in on him. You can also see that the pup starts to relax now that his little older rat sibling is there to keep him company. 


Dog & Rat BFF Siblings

Cooper the Pup


TikTokers love the adorable odd pair and demand more pup and rat sibling content. Hopefully, the TikToker will oblige soon or cuteness aggression might just start to emerge. 


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