

'I cant take notes on my computer? Fine, I’ll use a typewriter': Teacher enforces strict no laptop policy, student maliciously complies

'I can't take notes on my computer? Fine, I’ll use a typewriter': Teacher enforces strict no laptop policy, student maliciously complies

Teachers better be careful when enforcing silly rules. As the son of a former teacher, I am sympathetic to the fear that students will just be playing games if laptops are allowed in class. That being said, wouldn't that be their loss when it's time to test them? In my experience, people will always find an excuse to zone out and not pay attention. So even if laptops are forbidden in the classroom, they will always find a way. Now, in defense of students, it is simply far easier to keep up with…
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'It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us': Students find loophole in school's lateness policy and show up three hours late with minimal punishment

'It took them a full MONTH to catch onto us': Students find loophole in lateness policy and show up three hours late with minimal punishment

Being late occasionally is an inevitable part of life; that being said, testing your school's lateness policy can be a tricky tightrope walk. On the one hand, school administrators who are obsessed with enforcing lateness policies should have far more important things to worry about. On the other hand, students should have far more to be concerned with than finding loopholes so they can miss three hours of class each day.
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Sad, FAILS, cringey, dating fails, thats embarrassing, FAIL, cringey memes, embarassing, cringe, sad cringe, relationships, cringe pics, cringeworthy, cringe memes

The Cringiest Cringe Pics of the Week (November 1, 2023)

We can't look away.
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'I have about 100+ pictures of a wedding proposal gone wrong': 15+ dating disasters as told by the servers who witnessed the drama unfold

'I have about 100+ pictures of a wedding proposal gone wrong': 15+ dating disasters as told by the servers who witnessed the drama unfold

Servers have to deal with a ton of unwanted nonsense on the job, but one perk of the job is that they get a front row seat to a wide variety of date nights gone wrong. From awkward first dates that turn out to be full of red flags to full-on marriage proposals that turn out to be complete failures, it seems like servers have seen the full range of possibilities that can occur on a date. Not to persuade people not to go out to dinner, but when someone says, “Just go out with them! What's the wor…
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FAILS trick or treating halloween stories failblog halloween fail stories halloween halloween fails nostalgic halloween halloween throwback Reddit trick or treating fail - 22812677

‘And that, kids, is how you know you’re not the favorite child’: 20 People share their biggest Halloween fails

Halloween is a holiday where you dress up in a costume and have some fun . That's really it. You can go into the history of it and the different types of cultures it was influenced by, but currently, it really isn't that complicated. You put on a costume, and do something fun with your friends. Or if you're a kid, you put on a costume and go trick-or-treating and then try not to OD on candy. And there you have it—Halloween. Unfortunately, some people can make this holiday a little messy. Teenag…
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'Throwing a baby shower for themselves': 25+ socially unacceptable things people do all the time

'Throwing a baby shower for themselves': 25+ Socially unacceptable things people do all the time

Whether it's taking up two parking spots with one car or interrupting conversations incessantly, there are both written and unwritten rules about how people should behave in public. But of course, not everyone follows said rules. In fact, the audacious folks among us actively do the socially unacceptable thing in public, sometimes because these rules are ludicrous and sometimes because they have no level of self-awareness. Before we reveal the various “uncool” things people do in public all the…
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'I'm a lion and a king': Guy gets rejected after three dates, goes on unhinged text rant

'I'm a lion and a king': Guy gets rejected after three dates, goes on unhinged text rant

Bad breakups may come with the territory when we're talking about dating, but no one could have been prepared for this dude's reaction. He really goes through the full range of human emotion, calling himself a loser one second and then calling himself a lion and a king the next. First of all, a lion and a king? Who is he, Simba?! It's hard to read this cringe exchange without thinking of your own similar experience because everyone has had one. Heck, I've been on both sides of a breakup, but I'…
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Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (October 26, 2023)

'My school is fining students that take too long in the bathroom': Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (October 26, 2023)

At the very least, life's many inconveniences can provide fodder for second-hand entertainment. Obviously, when you are being confronted with something mildly infuriating, as many folks expressed via this Reddit thread , you don't feel entertained in the moment. You probably feel enraged, cheated, and ready to spontaneously combust. However, after taking a moment to breathe, you just might realize that the best thing you can do in this situation is to life at the whole thing. Otherwise, it migh…
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'Bolt in my food': Top 15 one-star reviews from irate customers and Karens

'Bolt in my food': Top 15 one-star reviews from irate customers and Karens

Some of these customers were justified, some were Karens, and some were simply not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Regardless of the varied experiences of these customers, thankfully, we are in the privileged position to be able to entertain ourselves with their ridiculous one-star reviews from a distance. I would certainly not want to be in their positions. For instance, the thought of ordering fajitas and then having them delivered only to discover a literal bolt in my food is beyond me. H…
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'THIS IS A HANDWASHING SINK [...] NO WASHING YOUR FEET': 30+ funny and cringe signs

'This is a handwashing sink [...] no washing your feet': 30+ amusing and cringe signs

You might do a double-take and think you're misreading these signs. Fortunately, you're not crazy. These are actual signs from billboards, retail stores, and public bathrooms galore. Some of the requests being made are so ridiculous that you begin to question everyone else's sanity. For instance, do people really wash their feet in the sink of a public bathroom? Do people really tweet about a fire in the building before evacuating? Do the marketing teams of these major chains really not catch g…
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'My sister got a Blu-Ray player and I got an HDMI cable': 25+ cringe gifts that totally missed the mark

'My sister got a Blu-Ray player and I got an HDMI cable': 25+ cringe gifts that totally missed the mark

Everyone has opened a present at some point in their lifetime that made them wonder what the heck this person was thinking. When I was in Middle School, my Mom got me a dictionary for my birthday. The following year, I received a pencil holder. Clearly, there was a not-so-subtle message here, and that was to study more. I know I'm not the only one who has had a close family member completely mess up when it comes to gift-giving. A friend of mine is known for being obsessed with tea. Her kitchen…
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'Get a white shirt, write numbers all over it, be someone you can count on': 20+ low-effort Halloween costumes for folks who leave things to the last minute

'Get a white shirt, write numbers all over it, be someone you can count on': 20+ low-effort Halloween costumes for folks who leave things to the last minute

If you're like me, you probably haven't planned your Halloween costume yet. It's not that you're not creative enough. I mean, you've compiled a list of potential options that includes all the costumes you didn't end up having time to put together from the past few years. You claim that this year you're going to go all out, but the reality is that Halloween is just over ten days away and you haven't done anything. If you find yourself in this position and you're in desperate need of a low-effort…
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'I made a duct tape and chainmail frisbee': 30 DIY projects that should've never been constructed

'I made a duct tape and chainmail frisbee': 30 DIY projects that should've never been constructed

DIY is a fun hobby … some crafters just take it way too far. Upcycling and downcycling have been trendy past times in recent years. Upcycling refers to recycling something into an item that's more valuable than before, like turning a bunch of plastic bottles into a fancy chair. Then there's downcycling, which is what these crafty people below are doing. That's when you take an item and recycle into something less valuable, like the dad who tried to make a lamp classier, using only spray paint a…
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'Pilot. Every one I've known is a cheater': 20 jobs that are immediate red flags for single people

'Pilot. Every one I've known is a cheater': 20 jobs that are immediate red flags for single people

Unfortunately for some people, the reputations of their professions may or may not precede them. It is inevitable in this day and age that people will check what a potential significant other does for a living before they even swipe left or right on a dating app. Hopefully, people aren't so basic to completely judge a book by its cover, but it's not like dating apps were intended to look at folks in a nuanced way. Just like people judge pictures and other credentials like height and education,…
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'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 funny food and cringe cake mishaps

'Baker [...] misread the customer text asking for an Elmo cake and instead made an emo cake': 30 Funny food and cringe cake mishaps

Here's the deal with all baked goods: as long as it tastes good, it shouldn't matter what it looks like. Ok, maybe that's not true, but that's what I tell myself every time I attempt to bake something for my family, which I have done on only one or two occasions. Trust me. They do not want to eat whatever I bake. It's always too sugary, too bland, or somehow too salty even if there's next to no salt in there. Fortunately for them, this is why I rarely bake anything. Whenever I do decide to take…
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'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

Teaching takes more self-restraint than most jobs. As a former tutor of high school kids and the child of a teacher, I can attest to the fact that there are a million thoughts your teachers have about you and your classmates, and it takes absolutely every bit of their brain power to stop themselves from saying the things that they probably shouldn't. Some of these thoughts include hot takes about students with bad body odor, students who have obvious crushes on their other classmates, and stude…
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