

FAILS FAIL funny stories askreddit stupid people dumb genius funny fails dumbest stupid - 25798917

30 People share the stupidest things they ever witnessed : 'I saw a woman ditch her stroller with the child inside because a bee was flying nearby'

During our time on this earth it's pretty safe to say that, even through sheer force of chance alone, we've each witnessed some darn ridiculous things. In the same way that an infinite number of monkeys hitting keys at random could reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare, meeting an infinite number of individuals in your life means that you'll inevitably witness something incredibly stupid. While these individuals might not be breaking any records or winning any awards (save but one) for thei…
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fixing creative smarty pants smart life hacks work smarter not harder lifehacks fixed genius brilliant - 25639685

20 Out of the box thinkers who were low key geniuses

You don't need to go to college to be a genius. You don't even have to finish high school! Some people are born with brains that think outside the box in ways that can't be taught. These people can do incredible things, as you'll see in this collection of photos below. When it comes to creating new inventions, you don't need anything fancy. Check out that truck driver whose arm was hurting from resting it on the open window. Instead of letting their arm ache all day, the driver just cut up a po…
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25+ People Who Scored Free Prizes, Food, and Vacations by Outsmarting the System

don't try these loopholes at home
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music, baby, toddler, genius, prodigy, drumming, drums, drummer, mom, dad, parenting, famous people, nepo baby, tiktok, twitter, twitter thread

'These Alpha babies are a new breed': Mom shares 2-year-old's expert drumming skills, impresses the internet

Nepo babies get started early
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problem, solution, clever, genius, problem solved, hacks, life hacks, funny, photos

27 Amusing & Clever Solutions to Irritating Everyday Problems

They aren't all OSHA certified
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must-haves buy life changing askreddit practical reddit thread genius Reddit budget - 22721029

'The squatty potty truly changed my life': 30+ must-have purchases under $150 that are worth the hype

#1 answer = dog
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'So I dyed my hair blue': Rebellious line cook gets tired of being blamed for hairs found in the food, she retaliates by dying her hair bright blue

Colored hair is insanely popular these days. No matter what you hear about the menty-b's required to bleach and dye your hair and unnatural color, sometimes colored haired people are the most level-headed. Perhaps it's the heady fumes of the bleach or the singing tingle on their heads that gives them mental clarity, but when you have pink, green, or blue hair the rest of the pieces in life fall into place.
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dump smart inventions meme dump smart genius invention ideas invention ideas genius inventions clever Memes - 22378245

20+ Ingenious Practical Inventions That'll Leave You Wondering Why You Didn't Think of Them First

Proof that not all superheroes wear capes
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28 memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Slope - that's how i roll Vem Vm=Rw ox @0 mg fs \R' and 'White - CAUTION WET FLOOR'

28 Genius Memes For All The Brainiacs Discussing String Theory But Struggling With Shoelaces

We would tell a chemistry joke, but we're afraid there won't be any reaction
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30 Shower Thoughts for the Ponderous Populous to Chew On

The skull's gray matter is pulsing
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Top 20+ Shower Thoughts By Verdict Masterminds

Top 20+ Shower Thoughts By Verdict Masterminds

The best ideas usually pop up when you're busy chopping up vegetables on your cutting board that isn't aging well, when you can't focus in a meeting and you're starting blankly at your boss, imagining what they look like crying, and when you're standing in the shower, singing ‘And I would walk five hundred miles…’. In other words, good ideas come randomly, with no specific pattern you can discern. We like to call these ideas, ‘shower thoughts’, because as priorly stated, they do tend to show up…
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Wholesome Birdwatcher Creates an Epicly Original Bird Feeder, Getting Up Close and Personal With Every Titmouse on the Block

Wholesome Birdwatcher Creates an Epicly Original Bird Feeder, Getting Up Close and Personal With Every Titmouse on the Block

Now this is extreme bird watching
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shower-thoughts shower thoughts deep-thoughts genius stoke-of-genius genius best best-of-the-week top batman conspiracy shower meditation smarty

Top 20 Provocative Shower Thoughts of the Week That'll Make You Smarter

It's big brain time
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In response to his question about why I would send him something like that I said, "I thought we were trying to see who could gross the other out more. Was that not what you were trying to do?"

'OMG it's so small!': Woman Finds the Perfect Revenge on Man Who Wouldn't Stop Sending Her Unsolicited D*ck Pics

Ladies, grab a pen and notepad, cause some of the suggestions are downright genius.
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Top Shower Verdicts by Musing Masterminds

Top Shower Verdicts by Musing Masterminds

Ummmm I'm a genius
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'I'm A Genius!' : 21 Funniest Verdicts By Shower Masterminds To Ruminate On

'I'm A Genius!' : 21 Funniest Verdicts By Shower Masterminds To Ruminate On

Shower thoughts are a real hit or miss. Either they're horrifically funny, or terribly scary. I'd like to think that the best ones are a bit of both. The most genius thoughts we have in life don't come to us when we're stressing at work… no, they come to us when we're singing U2 at the top of our lungs whilst pretending to play the guitar, warm water gushing over our heads like a waterfall. Someone in the next room may or may not be yelling at us, demanding that we shut up. In other words, good…
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