

I'm Doin' It, Doc

Funny meme that reads, "When the doctor says you need to watch your drinking" above a photo of a guy looking at himself drinking in the mirror
Via KingRememberedInTime1

Suck It

Funny meme that reads, "'Carbs are bad for you;' Me: ..." above a photo of a barbie lying on a slice of pizza
Via obtuserubbermoose
Girl shares a Twitter thread about her wild allergic reaction to grass and wheat. | RhiRob99 @RhiRob99 1) an innocent photo taken show day 1 v day 3 sleeping tent piss wet through (good bants were not alarmed by this photo as all thought (even though have been friends with @caitlintyson112 many years she had developed 5 head said no more

Twitter Thread: Girl's Wild Allergic Reaction To Grass

Allergies are no joke.
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Positive psychologist explains brain and body's reaction to long term stress | Alexis Rockley @alexisrockley Let be clear thread Those "all over place" feelings been having? They are symptoms stress, NOT personal failures yours.

Twitter Thread: The Brain's Reaction To Long Term Stress

Spread that kindness in these strange times.
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Funny memes about working in healthcare | New grads signing up 7K per week travel gig without reading fine print about bringing own PPE and 15:1 ratio DIE BURGER @codebluememes | Medical professionals talking about disgusting stuff over meal together

Healthcare Memes For Those Working Tirelessly To Keep Us Healthy

We can't thank you all enough!
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Tumblr thread calls out bodybuilding culture | actor has joined debate about objectification TV and film, saying both genders are judged equally on looks Source G -critical-feminist My god love her | cruxofargon know people are gonna get salty af about this but by God she's RIGHT Brad Pitt did Fight Club, he cutting weight every single scene maintain his physique at 155 ever cut weight know horrible must have been. He did because they needed look Changing Tatum said his Magic Mike body doesn't

Tumblr Thread Says Movies Fuel Unrealistic Physical Standards

Everyone just embrace each other.
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Interesting video from Know Your Meme featuring a time-lapse of the popularity of different COVID-19-related memes since January

Fascinating Video Shows The Popularity Of Different COVID-19 Memes Since January

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Funny dank memes about the weird things people have started doing during quarantine | day 7 quarantine: Wanna get drunk bro down boy speaking and listening to the same tube | QUARANTINE DAY 13: DOLPHINS RETURN VENICE CANALS ABSENCE WATER TRAFFIC QUARANTINE DAY 134: Jesus riding a dinosaur

Quarantine Is Getting Real Weird For A Lot Of People, According To These Dank Memes

We're all bored out of our minds.
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Funny dank memes about the hantavirus infection in China | Pokemon team Rocket Jesse James Hantavirus: Man dies China after testing positive new virus mattp 97 Coronavirus Prepare trouble Hantavirus And make double | "2020 can't get any worse" Coronavirus: 30 doing sequel" muppets

'Hantavirus' Has Memers Freaking Out About The Possibility Of A New Outbreak

Chill out, people.
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Ryan Reynolds shares a video about social distancing | Ryan Reynolds @VancityReynolds Another important message from an important celebrity. Let’s spread the word not the virus. I happily nominate,  @stevenpage   @Sethrogen  and  @TerryR49776917  #PlankTheCurve #StayAtHomeSaveLives

Ryan Reynolds Shares Social Distancing Video, Nominates Seth Rogen

Spread the word and not the virus.
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Interesting Twitter thread about the good news surrounding coronavirus | Marcello Ruffini #FBPE @MarcelloRuffini mate sent this on WhatsApp about some good news China has closed down its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases support them Doctors India have been successful treating Coronavirus. Combination drugs used:

Hopeful Twitter Thread Highlights Some Of The Good News Surrounding Coronavirus

Finally, some good effing news.
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Doctors share their best stories about people "asking for friends" when it was probably for them | Freyja_the_derpyderp 9h My father is doctor and he got call once middle night his call share doctors patient man asked do about bump on his "friends" arm he scratched and something came out. He mentioned leaking little oil now zit. He scratched pimple. Woke whole family up at 3 am because he had page my dad over zit.

Doctors' Best "Asking For A Friend" Stories

Those "friends" must feel so lucky.
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People share their upsides to being quarantined in AskReddit thread | cwtguy 5h No driving work gives two hours my life back with my son each day and saves few hundred bucks month gas.

People's Silver Linings To Being Quarantined

People are finding the bright side where they can.
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Limited food options plus your Coronavirus emotions equals your nickname | tweet by elan gale @theyearofelan quarantine nickname is feel right now last thing ate out cupboard can call angry chili mango"

Quarantine Moment: Limited Food Options Plus Coronavirus Emotions Equals Nickname

A fun game.
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People on Twitter are going in on Hawaiian Punch drink | tweet by happienatalie love twitter is randomly coming Hawaiian Punch. Isolation really got us thinking

Quarantine Moment: Twitter Goes In On Hawaiian Punch

Hawaiian Punch is getting lit up.
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They Really Do Care, You Guys!

Funny starter pack entitled, "Corporate notice about COVID-19 starter pack" | during these uncertain time we are here for you our hearts go out we stand ready we've got your back governmental orders
Via doodlydoodledumdum