

St. Patrick's Day Memes For All The Girlies Looking to Get Lucky

St. Patrick's Day Memes For All The Girlies Looking to Get Lucky

The Green Beer Made Me Do It
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36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

36 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Yuck. I mean, yawn . Eh, same, same… Do you know what you're doing in life? I don't. I haven't a clue. Eat, sleep, work, repeat. The days drag on and turn into weeks that turn into months. Winter is crawling by at a snail's pace, and I wonder when the sun will come out (properly) and shine again. When does the cold end? Why is it still dark out past 5 pm? Summer, where are you? I wish I could fly somewhere and take a break, but money-wise, that's a problem. I bet for most people it's a problem.…
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travel, 20s, vacation, twitter, twitter thread, controversy, opinion, friends, broke, city

'I don't wanna spend my money': Stingy traveler claims that people in their 20s shouldn't have real vacations

Broke mindset
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34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

34 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

I need a vacation asap. Work has me yawning in my seat, dreaming of powdery white sand, blue skies, green palm trees, and turquoise water. But one can only go on vacation if they can afford it, and unfortunately, I can't right now. So I'll sift through emails, organize folders, and do my boss's bidding in the meantime. What other choice do I have? Inflation is ruining us all. Heading out to the local store and buying groceries evokes anxiety in me like nothing else, except maybe car trouble. Si…
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'She tried to get her money back': Woman buys a laptop to use solely on vacation, then attempts to get a full refund when she arrives home

'She tried to get her money back': Woman buys a laptop to use solely on vacation, then attempts to get a full refund when she arrives home

If you've ever sold something online, you know that the customers aren't ideal. They text you, 'Is this available?', only to ghost you when you answer in the affirmative. Or they promise to pick it up, set up a date and a time, and then never show up. Or they actually show up with half the money and give you a sob story on why you should give them the item for free. Yes, I'm speaking from experience. One man decided to sell an old laptop he had back from his University days, posting it online,…
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‘He’s coming with us': Woman demands friends leave their toddler at home after organizing a vacation together, leading to a dispute

‘He’s coming with us': Woman demands friends leave their toddler at home after organizing a vacation together, leading to a dispute

Some people really don't like kids. For instance, this person, who OP calls Zoe. She disliked kids so much that she would avoid them at all costs. That became impossible after OP and her friends (which included Zoe) organized a trip together to meet another friend 2 States away. At first, it seemed like OP wouldn't need to take their toddler with them, but as time went on and a few complicated situations arose, they realized that they didn't have a choice. Look, if you've got a kid, and the tri…
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Person Gets Back at Passenger Who Ignored Airplane Etiquette, Taking Up 3 Seats During Flight

Person Gets Back at Passenger Who Ignored Airplane Etiquette, Taking Up 3 Seats During Flight

As you tiredly settle into your seat on the plane, the hum of the engines fills the cabin, creating a soothing backdrop for the long flight that awaits. Two seconds later, you notice the person who will occupy the seat next to yours… And you can already tell it won't be a fun flight. Oblivious to the unwritten rules of airplane etiquette, they take up the empty seats between you. That is exactly what happened to u/Leather_Ad_5602, who told their story about an annoying passenger on Reddit. This…
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groundhog, groundhog day, punxsutawney phil, memes, funny, funny memes, seasons, winter, spring, celebration, day

18 Groundhog Day Memes to Make Punxsutawney Phil Proud

It's that time again
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‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

‘You could have programmed the correct number, but you didn’t': Woman gets back at person who fails to program correct number into phone while inquiring about horse

Sometimes you punch in a number on your phone to call someone, and a total stranger ends up on the other line. You called the wrong number, no big deal. Then you do it again, and again… and again. Until the person on the other side is wondering why it's so hard to call the RIGHT number. It's a fair question. This woman was contacted via text 5 times over the span of a year and a half, and it was always the same person inquiring about the same thing… A horse. The woman, OP, had no idea what they…
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Front desk clerks discuss ‘well-travelled individuals’ who are actually just entitled

Front desk clerks discuss ‘well-travelled individuals’ who are actually just entitled

If you've ever worked at the front reception of a hotel, you will have heard it all. From, ‘This is the first time I’ve ever been asked to do this', to ‘I have never heard of city fees’, people will say anything to convince you to let them off easy. The funniest, most ironic part of it all is they usually say something along the lines of, ‘I’ve traveled ALL AROUND THE WORLD, and I've never heard of such a policy'. Immediately you roll your eyes… If they really are so ‘well-traveled’, then this…
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‘Stay away, it's for your own good': Locals discuss top 28 'unwritten rules' in their country that tourists always break

‘Stay away, it's for your own good': Locals discuss top 28 'unwritten rules' in their country that tourists always break

Too often, I've seen tourists ignore big blatant signs in their own native language that read, ‘Do not enter'. But enter, they do. Sometimes they get lucky, while other times, not so much. And I'm not speaking from a ‘high and mighty’ place, because I myself have ignored instructions and had to pay the price. One person posted a question to r/askreddit, asking which unwritten rules tourists always seem to ignore when they are on vacation abroad. There is a whole variety of answers from people l…
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'He took it too far': Petty Family Leave Restaurant a Bad Review in an Attempt to Get an Extra Discount

'He took it too far': Petty Family Leave Restaurant a Bad Review in an Attempt to Get an Extra Discount

As we often say, being a customer service representative has perks as well as drawbacks. But what happens when hierarchy enters the picture? If we're being really honest here, that means you will most likely be forced to work every holiday, birthday, and significant occasion up until a new hire steps in to take your place. The following story tells an account of a distressed server who had to work on Christmas Eve. Since OP was a new employee at the time, she was forced to give up her Christmas…
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Kids Demand Parents Pay For Separate Hotel Rooms on Vacation Despite Cost

Kids Demand Parents Pay For Separate Hotel Rooms on Vacation Despite Cost

Back when I was a kid, my family didn't really do vacations. It's not that we didn't want to, but rather, we couldn't really afford the luxury of paying for a family of 5 to go abroad. My mom was a nurse, so she was working long hours at the hospital anyway, and my dad was in construction. We had enough to live comfortably, but yearly vacations were out of our budget. These kids' sense of entitlement baffles me quite a bit. One mother took to Reddit and explained her situation… She was taking h…
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memes, funny, funny memes, funny tweets, funny twitter, dank memes, random memes, relatable memes, twitter memes, random, random tweets, funny random memes, gen z, millennials, holidays, new years

Almost 50 Memes To Inspire Giggles

A guffaw, perhaps?
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work work-memes memes relatable company business job employee coworker coworkers boss manager clocking-in holidays vacation need-a-vacation quit funny dark-humor comedy relatable-work-memes

35 Witty Work Memes for Withered Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Memes that'll find you better than that post-vacation email
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chubby resolutions new-year nye fat gym relatable memes relatable-memes eating food foodie food-memes delicious holidays holiday-memes new-years-resolutions

A Fridge-full of 38 Memes for Proudly Chubby Foodies Who Refuse to Diet in 2024

Having dinner >> Having abs
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