
jeff bezos

funny memes, relatable memes, memes, coronavirus, working class, work memes, healthcare pls, universal healthcare, student debt, capitalism, socialism, minimum wage, amazon, jeff bezos, rich people, taxes | trad girl and yes chad MY PARENTS AT 25 should start saving retirement IRA or 401k AT 25 If go sleep now then won't have pay food ahorteddreams | too poor afford affordable healthcare guess l'll die

Memes & Tweets For The Fed Up Working Class

Seize the memes of production
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Funny video sketch about a guy shopping at Whole Foods

Parody Sketch About People Who Shop At Whole Foods Is Pretty Spot On

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Absolutely Shocking

Funny tweet that reads, "Kinda looks like the billionaires aren't going to save us"
Via Anlyin
Funny parody tweets about the Amazon Fulfillment Centers being a good place to work

Amazon Gets Roasted For Creating Fake Twitter Accounts To Hide Its Sketchy Working Conditions

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Twitter thread about billionaires and where they got their wealth from

Dude Explains On Twitter That Billionaires' Humble 'Garage Stories' Are All A Bunch Of BS

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Poor Jeff

Caption that reads, "Jeff Bezos sitting in divorce court" above a pic of a guy wearing a crown clutching a bunch of money looking afraid
Via anlyin
funny meme about jeff bezos sexting

Jeff Bezos' Divorce Drama Is Inspiring Memes And Tweets That Are Spicier Than Curry

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funny amazon memes

14 Amazon Memes Just In Time For The HQ2 Announcement

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amazon memes

15 Amazon Memes That'll Cover All Your Bezos

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We Hear And Obey

Tweet about how Amazon used to just sell books online but in the future will virtually be controlling our lives
Via oddcoffee
Collection of photoshop memes of Jeff Bezos of Amazon looking muscular.

Photoshop Meme Roundup: Swole Jeff Bezos Edition

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