

‘What Are the Odds?’ : Funniest Blursed Images That Prove Nothing Is Impossible

‘What Are the Odds?’ : Funniest Blursed Images That Prove Nothing Is Impossible

The odds may be slim, but they are never zero.
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‘I Can’t Believe You Just Asked Me That’ : Stupidly Absurd Questions Men Asked on First Dates That Legitimately Made Women Question if They Were Lunatics

‘I Can’t Believe You Just Asked Me That’ : Stupidly Absurd Questions Men Asked on First Dates That Legitimately Made Women Question if They Were Lunatics

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'I accidentally hit send': Employee gives very honest feedback to boss unintentionally

'I accidentally hit send': Employee gives very honest feedback to boss unintentionally

One employee experienced an office worker's worst nightmare — accidentally sharing a snarky email with their boss . It's never been easier to send a text or email. You can type anything up on your phone, and send it in just a few clicks. So you have to be super careful what you write , just in case it accidentally happens to get sent. U/kpmurphy56 explained in their TIFU post that morale has been low at their workplace in the aftermath of numerous layoffs. So when they got an email from the bos…
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humor jokes funny memes roasts funny insults lol social media insults funny creative insults - 20573445

Rare Insults From the Devious Wordsmiths of the Internet

Intelligence comes in many impressive flavors. You've got math whizzes who solve mind-boggling equations just for fun , making the rest of us question our brains' existence. They can calculate tips at lightning speed and perform complex mental gymnastics like it's a walk in the park. Then there are the artistic geniuses who can turn a blank canvas into a masterpiece using paints, pencils, or even discarded junk they stumble upon. I think these qualify as superpowers. There are science nerds who…
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humor jokes funny memes Memes lol funny - 19370245

A Cocktail Shaker's Worth of Shook-Up Decent Memes

It's pretty interesting how many individuals will gripe about some of the content they've completely chosen to engage with. They click a link that very clearly says " Random Memes " or something equally banal and then they complain that they're not good enough. Well, guess what? Not everyone in the world enjoys the same exact types of memes, and as someone who spends time selecting these moderately funny tidbits, I can tell you with complete certainty, that there's is absolutely no way anyone c…
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Top 20 Funniest Tweets for Millennials That Sum up Your 20s vs Your 30s

Funny Tweets for Millennials That Sum up Your 20s vs Your 30s

Ah, to be old-er.
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humor jokes random memes funny memes Memes lol funny - 20580101

An Acceptable Bunch of Memes For Friday Scrolling

Happy Friday, meme freaks and time-wasters. It's officially the end of the workweek for office drones like us, and boy, did Monday through Thursday feel like an eternity. The grinding. The thanklessness. The crappy lunches and the complete lack of energy upon arriving home. Fortunately, for other 9-5ers like us, memes have got our backs. Instead of pretending to work for the last few hours of the day, or forcing yourself to go to happy hour, why not scroll through these perfect acceptable memes…
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Relatable memes for people who struggle with depression

Memes & Posts For People Who Just Realized Their Depression Isn't Seasonal

Inner struggles are never easy to navigate, whether they arise from the shroud of winter darkness, or are of a more chronic variety. Fortunately, humor has a way of bringing a touch of levity to the darkest doldrums. And whether you're facing depression, seasonal depression , or any other mental health challenge, memes have got you covered in this department. Some people might wonder why we turn to memes when navigating these intimate problems. Well, finding humor in shared experiences, however…
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jokes zoomers frisky memes sexy naughty memes - 20574213

Naughty Memes For a Saucy Scroll Session

Regular old relatable memes have their place in the world , but every now and then we like to explore the seductive realm of memes that push the boundaries. Prepare to embark on a tantalizing journey through humor, crassness, and kinks as we delve into the world of sexy, naughty memes. Throughout history, humans have sought aphrodisiacs to ignite passion. From traditional favorites like chocolate, chili peppers, and the sensual oyster, we now introduce a modern contender: memes. With a simple c…
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Funny batch of Star Wars and Star Trek memes, sci-fi memes, jokes

Nerd Alert: 30+ Sci-Fi Memes That Span Multiple Universes (May 18, 2023)

It's Thursday, ya'll, which means we're welcoming you back to another one of our weekly intergalactic rendezvous with the best sci-fi memes we've seen lately. Buckle up, because we're diving headfirst into a collection of science fiction memes that will have you spotting references faster Han Solo can make the Kessel Run. This gallery is a chance to teleport between our favorite galaxies as we bring you everything from stupid Star Wars shitposts, to equally stupid Star Trek memes. We'd be remis…
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The Best Cat memes we saw this week, may 2023, felines, memes for cat people

Weekly Treat of Cat Memes For Feline Fanatics (May 17, 2023)

I went on a long-ish vacation this week, to celebrate a friend's wedding. One thing that every person in the bridal party has in common is that we are all obsessive cat owners. And being away from home, we really, really missed our cats. Somehow, between various wedding duties, we were able to fit in a trip to a cat cafe in beautiful Palm Springs, California. The cafe, cleverly named Frisky Business, was wonderful. The cats? Purrfection. The staff? Doting and delightful. It was the perfect ther…
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Funny random memes

A Mesmerizing Dumptruck of Silly and Stupid Memes

We've officially reached part of the year that makes it entirely too difficult to get out of bed. While it's true that here in the Northeast the weather has been unseasonably warm, we're still feeling the effects of seasonal affective disorder, and we can't wait for the freedom of spring. Spring: a time when we can shed our millions of layers, realize how chunky we've gotten, and hate our lives in a slightly different way. For now, all I want to do is eat soup , and curl up with my cats and a g…
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humor jokes relatable memes random memes funny memes relatable tweets funny tweets nerdy memes - 19266309

A Spontaneous Splish-Splash of Memes With Varied Themes

I'm not feeling so hot. It's hard to pinpoint one reason for this ennui. But a quote from a wise hobbit man comes to mind when I think about my current state: "I’m old, Gandalf. I know I don’t look it but I’m beginning to feel it in my heart. I feel thin… sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don’t expect I shall return. In fact I mean not to." Yeah, it's a sad day when I'm quoting the fictional character Bilbo Baggins in relati…
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Funny random memes

Random Memes That Need A Bit of Love

It is not a crime to crave attention. But it is true that some people need it more than others. For some reason, when it's human adults who are behaving in a needy fashion, it's a lot more annoying than animals or, say, babies. My spoiled ass cat has moments where she'll literally be forcing her wee head into my busy hands for hours at a time. She's obsessive to be sure, but despite my frustration, I tolerate it. If it were a grown-up person? There's no way in the world that I'd submit to their…
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humor star wars jokes funny memes Memes sci fi memes sci fi yoda Star Trek anakin skywalker - 20472837

Sci-Fi Memes For Fans of Both Star Wars and Star Trek (May 10, 2023)

Greetings fellow sci-fi fans! We're back with another one of our weekly batches of entertaining science fiction content. As someone who enjoys both Star Trek and Star Wars, I've curated a collection of sci-fi memes and humor that I think a lot of you might find amusing. You see, sci-fi is more than just a genre, it's a world of adventure, exploration, and imagination that allows us to escape reality, even if it's just for a little while. And what better way to celebrate it than with a collectio…
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'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (May 10, 2023)

'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (May 10, 2023)

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