

'Fired over hash browns': Server gets fired for laughing in manager's face after advocating on customer's behalf

'Fired over hash browns': Server gets fired for laughing in manager's face after advocating on customer's behalf

Laughing in your manager's face when they're trying to find a reasonable way to deal with your antics is probably not the best way to behave in front of them. That being said, when your manager is an absolutely ridiculous person, it's not exactly your fault how you respond to them. Self-control is ideal, but it's not easy when you're in the presence of nonsense. This thread was shared to Reddit's r/TalesFromYourServer subreddit by u/blscratch , a former server who was attempting to advocate on…
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‘I've got your back': Waitress Pulls Sweet ‘Girl Power’ Move On Couple While They Dine Out for Dinner

‘I've got your back': Waitress Pulls Sweet ‘Girl Power’ Move On Couple While They Dine Out for Dinner

Once upon a time, I was a server, waltzing to and fro, here and there, taking orders, bringing extra sauce, and sticking candles in the cake customers would bring on their birthdays. I will be honest, not a day goes by that I don't thank the heavens I'm not working in that industry anymore. Too many Karens and Kens out there that I simply do not have the patience for at this time. Towards the end, I was probably a pretty bad waitress, simply because I really despised the job. One thing stands o…
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server, servers, waiter, waiters, restaurant, discourse, tip, tipping, twitter discourse, twitter, twitter thread, usa, europeans, americans

American Claims That Europeans Should Tip in the US Because of "Transcendentally Better" Service, Takes Transatlantic Tipping Discourse to Wild New Levels

That 20% gets earned
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'[He] starts pulling chicken wings and chinese donuts out of his pockets': 30+ Guacamole goofs and fishy faux pas that happened at all-you-can-eat buffets

'[He] starts pulling chicken wings and chinese donuts out of his pockets': 30+ Chocolatey catastrophes and fishy faux pas that happened at all-you-can-eat buffets

When you want to get the most amount of food for your money, it's time to head to your local all-you-can-eat buffet . Going to buffets was always a treat when I was a child. When you walk into a buffet, you're overwhelmed with the delicious smells and dozens of food choices. Whether you want roast turkey or green beans or cheesecake, an all-you-can-eat spot is bound to have a massive selection. I always loved getting both mashed potatoes and fries, and dipping the fries in the mashed potatoes.…
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'I apologize on behalf of my Dad': Children of Karens and Kevins share 20+ embarrassing stories

'I apologize on behalf of my Dad': Children of Karens and Kevins share 20+ embarrassing stories

It's easy to feel bad for servers and employees who have to deal with Karen customers on a regular basis, but not enough attention is given to the poor children of these unhinged people. They have to deal with that level of entitlement daily and overcome stomaching one embarrassing encounter after another. They probably feel sick every time they have to go anywhere with Mama Karen or Papa Kevin. Meanwhile, these kids are also spending every waking moment worried that one day, they might take on…
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Industry Pros Reveal 'Dirty Little Secrets' From Work That'll Make You Want to Call OSHA

Working for a company really shows you the ugly underbelly of certain industries. While many of us were grossed out by our first job at ‘that one’ unclean restaurant– the one with the roaches– we all assumed that was just a one-off coincidence and other restaurants, especially high-end ones, would be MUCH cleaner… Oh, we have been so naïve.
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'Manager/owner... won close to $50,000':' Diner insists on showing son the industrial freezer he installed, owner sues him for shoddy work

'Manager/owner... won close to $50,000':' Diner insists on showing son the industrial freezer he installed, owner sues him for shoddy work

As a parent, it's only natural to want your kids to be involved in your life. That's why things like “Bring your kid to work” day exist — so you can show your kiddo off to all your coworkers, and let them see what you're doing all day long while they're at school. This dad had a similar idea of sorts… but it majorly backfired on him. U/FlashyCow1 shared a story from their time working at a burger restaurant. This place had a pretty devastating recurring problem: a faulty fridge that was consist…
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'I can't believe you said that': Work mom won't stop commenting on everyone's physical appearance, employee talks to management

'I can't believe you said that': Work mom won't stop commenting on everyone's physical appearance, employee talks to management

In every work environment, there tends to be a work mom, someone who isn't necessarily in charge but serves as an emotional support figure. However, apparently, not all work moms are universally supportive… In this instance, we have a work mom who may have started out that way but perhaps due to cultural differences or simply due to a false sense of superiority, she started to manipulate those around her with incessant insults and unkind comments. At first, the Redditor who shared this story th…
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'I was the one that paid the $500': Server forced to pay the bill after table of 11 dines and dashes

'I was the one that paid the $500': Server forced to pay the bill after table of 11 dines and dashes

The most infuriating part of this story is how common this phenomenon seems to be among other servers. Several folks in the comments section of this Reddit thread pointed out that they too would be forced to pay up if any of their customers dined and dashed at a restaurant. Not only is this completely unfair, but this kind of policy is certainly not going to create a sense of loyalty among the restaurant staff. The underlying concept here is that it's the server's fault for allowing customers t…
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'He was a server once too, so he knows how it is': Top Wholesome 'Tales From Your Server' of the Week (September 4, 2023)

'He was a server once too, so he knows how it is': Top Wholesome 'Tales From Your Server' This Week (September 4, 2023)

On the most monotonous days as a server, sometimes a wholesome act of kindness can make one's entire shift infinitely better. People don't tend to extend those kindnesses enough in the cutthroat world of customer service. Instead, servers and bartenders often have to deal with a slew of Karen customers, loud children, and entitled parents. Some of these more wholesome moments were compiled from the top posts this week on Reddit's r/TalesFromYourServer subreddit. These anecdotes included an anno…
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"We want another server now': Waiter ignores customers for hours

'We want another server now': Waiter ignores customers for hours after they insult staff members

This waiter works at an upscale place where the customers are used to getting whatever they desire. As many waiters will tell you, working at high end restaurants can be intense, but it's worth it for the giant tips that some rich folks will leave. Part of the intensity is working with people who are used to snapping their fingers and immediately getting what they want. These customers aren't patient, and some of them view wait staff as beneath them. The customer u/grayson1228 served seems part…
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malicious compliance, reddit, reddit thread, manager, boss, work, antiwork, restaurant, service industry

Restaurant Worker Maliciously Complies to Expose Management's Incompetence

Good thing they got it in writing
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'I'll never forget the guy who asked for his steak "dry"': 20+ Chefs and waiters tell all about odd dishes their customers ordered

'I'll never forget the guy who asked for his steak "dry"': 20+ Chefs and waiters share the most ridiculous dishes their customers ever ordered

Who actually orders food like this? In a prompt to r/AskReddit, u/Graceful_Swan_Ronson asked waitstaff about the most ridiculous things their customers have ever wanted to eat. The resulting answers are hilarious and strange — and some are even a little bit wholesome. I have a few friends who order weirdly at restaurants, and dining with them is a delight. Sometimes I'll order a burger and fries, while my friend orders a slice of ham, a fruit smoothie, and a bowl of tater tots. It's like food r…
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18 images and video, man offers cat a bite of food off of his plate in restaurant

Restaurant Goer Kindly Offers Istanbul Street Cat A Bite Of His Chicken After The Cat Requests Politely With A Pat On The Shoulder

Thank you kindly
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'I ask the dad a few more times if he's sure': Diner asks for burger with 'everything' on it

'I ask the dad a few more times if he's sure': Diner ignores waiter's questions, demands burger with 'everything' on it

This dad was humbled after placing an order he couldn't eat. U/ClassiestRobin shared a story from her time waitressing as a 16 year old. It was the OP's first job, and though she generally enjoyed it, there was one family that stuck out in her mind due to their quirky order. Burger joints that offer up dozens of free toppings to customize your sandwich have the right idea. Most places just give you the typical lettuce, tomato, onion, and maybe some ketchup. But this place has a cool array of ot…
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Top ‘I Was Fired’ Stories For Employees of the Year

Top ‘I Was Fired’ Stories For Employees of the Year

Quite some time has passed since I've last been fired, but the mortifying memory remains carefully carved into my awkward brain, still causing me to shudder when I think about it. I'm sure I have told this story before, but for those of you who are new, I shall suck up the embarrassment and retell it. Back in my tyrannical teenage years, I was looking for a job. Sixteen at the time, I wasn't actually all that tyrannical. I liked to think I had the guts to do anything, but the truth is I was act…
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