

'I don't think you understand': Customer breaks into unopened store to shop for camping supplies

'I don't think you understand': Customer breaks into unopened store to shop for camping supplies

A customer was a bit too eager to shop at a new store in town. At some restaurants that are brand new, a “soft launch” will take place for the first few weeks they're open. During the soft launch, servers are being trained, the kitchen staff is learning how to make the food properly, and therefore the service might be a little slower than normal. That's all well and good for the restaurant industry, but there are no soft launches in retail. That didn't stop this woman from trying to break into…
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‘Her manager called the next day, profusely apologizing’: Customer gets back at retail employee for refusing to help her 30 minutes before store closing time

‘Her manager called the next day, profusely apologizing’: Customer gets back at retail employee for refusing to help her 30 minutes before store closing time

Let's get the record straight on this issue. If a store's closing time is at 7:00 pm, the employees can stop accepting customers no earlier than 6:50 pm. Even if there are annoying customers that come in 15 minutes before you close, and take their sweet time, you have to be loyal to the closing time that is known to the public. You can't just decide to close 30 minutes earlier just because you feel like it. Much like what the employee in this Reddit story did. A customer came into the store wit…
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workplace-stories employee job retail tales-from-the-workplace reddit story entitled customers workplace Reddit funny entitled people - 24894981

'Don't clock in, don't get paid': Company stops paying employees who fail to clock in on time, leading to a legal dispute

Different workplaces have different ways of ensuring their employees are doing their jobs properly. One of the main aspects of the job that managers usually take note of is when their employees arrive, and when they leave, so there are a few ways a manager can track his employees' working hours. They can use an app that employees would clock in and out from, they can use a physical card and clock at the office, and they can just use the good ol' trusting system in which they trust their employe…
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'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

It takes a certain kind of parent to let their kids run amok in a store. We understand that kids can get rowdy; that's inevitable. We also understand that this mother may have tried to calm them down in the past to no avail. That being said, once they start tampering with the store products and once they start actively disrupting other customers, it's time to take control and at least attempt to restore order. Not only did this woman refuse to try, but she ended up offloading her kids onto anot…
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jobs job work customer service talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail retail worker karen-customer tales-from-retail - 2386951

'I don't work here': Guy gets accused of slacking at a job that isn't even his and accosted by another customer

Retail is brutal for a number of reasons, but one of the worst is the fact that you get absolutely no respect from the public whom you're servicing. This is clearly evidenced by the audacity and sheer entitlement they feel in being able to bark orders at you and admonish you for “slacking” as if they're your boss. The thing is, when they're at their own job, they probably browse Reddit and spend ample time gossiping with their own coworkers but for some reason, these sorts of customers seem to…
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‘He watched as I counted every single bill’: Retail employee gets back at demanding customer for refusing to pay with credit card

‘He watched as I counted every single bill’: Retail employee gets back at demanding customer for refusing to pay with credit card

It might be safe to say that we are slowly approaching a time when people no longer use cash. Not to say that cash will ever disappear, that is not going to happen, but with the ability to pay with debit cards, credit cards, smartphones, and even smart watches, people simply don't carry cash with them anymore. The slow disappearance of cash from our lives shouldn't and probably wouldn't affect our everyday life that much, but it can cause some inconveniences to some people, or more specifically…
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‘Can't help you, I’m on a break': Servers takes a break to eat while ignoring customers entitled requests to 'stay on shift', leading to a dispute

‘Can't help you, I’m on a break': Servers takes a break to eat while ignoring customers entitled requests to 'stay on shift', leading to a dispute

More often than not, customers tend to completely forget that the servers who are standing in front of them are human beings too. While it is understandable to want to get a proper service for something that you are paying for, treating servers how you would want to be treated yourself is the least you can do. So for example, if you see that a server is taking their much-deserved break, maybe just leave them be. Which is exactly what the customers in this Reddit story should have done, at least…
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'You need to watch your tone, because it's not her fault': Wife stands up for employee when husband tries to pull a Karen

'You need to watch your tone, because it's not her fault': Wife stands up for employee when husband tries to pull a Karen

It's our duty to keep the Karen inside of us all in check, though, sometimes you might need a little help from your partner to do so.
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memes, funny, funny memes, groceries, grocery store, retail, store, food, shopping, grocery shopping

20+ Grocery Store Memes That Don't Spare the Fresh Produce

Coupon ready
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'He was out to get me from the start': Employee deletes all his work files after being fired by manager who wants to take down the company

'He was out to get me from the start': Employee deletes all his work files after being fired by manager who wants to take down the company

Getting fired is not a fun experience, that is a no-brainer. Nobody likes getting fired, and nobody wants it. Most of the time, it comes out of nowhere, but sometimes you actually see it coming. Whether by listening to a hushed conversation between your supervisors or when you see a suspicious-looking meeting was added to your calendar. I always wanted to be one of those employees who dare to teach the boss a lesson when they decide to fire you. Some kind of way to say “You are going to be sorr…
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‘Dude, the printer is toast, just order a new one’: Tech employee reports printer that went up in smoke to IT contractor who strictly follows company script, refusing to order a new one

‘Dude, the printer is toast, just order a new one’: Tech employee reports printer that went up in smoke to IT contractor who strictly follows company script, refusing to order a new one

If a printer goes up in flames, you might want to order a new one, dude. These were the exact thoughts of u/mattthepianoman who posted his funny workplace story to r/talesfromtechsupport. See, a printer had smoke coming out of it, and it was his job as a tech employee to report the issue to an IT contractor. This IT contractor had a few brain cells missing, and instead of doing something about it, he first asked the original poster to take him step by step through the diagnostics. What do diagn…
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'I knew I was getting fired': Retail manager creates the world's hardest passwords just before getting fired

'I knew I was getting fired': Retail manager creates the world's hardest passwords just before getting fired

One retail worker inspired us all with the way they got back at the company that was going to fire them. There's a reason most companies fire people in the most private way possible. Usually, the person will be called into a meeting with HR at a time when few employees are around. After HR breaks the news, the person might have to sign a few papers, but their desk will be cleared out for them and they'll be escorted out the door. I mean, that's the professional and careful way to do things, but…
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‘You have no clue what you're doing': Customer demands to speak to manager after yelling at employee, only to discover the employee is the manager

‘You have no clue what you're doing': Customer demands to speak to manager after yelling at employee, only to discover the employee is the manager

Every customer should remind themselves when they go into any type of store, that the employees are there for a reason. They have had training, they probably have been working there for a while, and you are not the first customer walking in. The bottom line is, they know what they're doing. So if you, a customer, come in and ask for a product and an employee tells you that they don't have it, chances are, they don't have it. Calling the employee names or asking to see the manager, will not chan…
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work workplace coworker coworkers manager managers employee employees reatail retail-worker retail high-end rich money commission payback malicious compliance reddit reddit thread

'I got a dress, white gloves, and a pearl necklace': Retail employee channels her inner ‘Audrey Hepburn’ after getting burned by management for underdressing at work

There's nothing worse than being an employee of a high-end retail store. If you've never experienced it, picture this: Every day you clock in, you are exposed to the scrutiny of every high-horse, ivory tower, wannabe with a superiority complex and despite your desire to dismiss their overinflated opinion with a waive, your commission depends on them.
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers customer workplace karen story karen - 24127237

'I hung up': Caller learns an important lesson after impolite words to service rep

We should have the expectation as a society that it's ok to deny someone service for being impolite to staff. This might actually teach people to be respectful and treat other people with common decency rather than with abject entitlement. Of course, as with anything else, there are grey areas and blurred lines and you might just end up talking to some egotistical service manager who is having a bad day. Still, professional courtesy should prevail even if they're not giving you the same. This c…
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'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

There's motivation, and then there's whatever this is. It's certainly not motivational , that's for sure. There was a time not so long ago when credit cards were only used for big purchases. Then, stores evolved to let people use them for smaller shopping trips. These days, it seems like everyone has at least a few cards, and we use them constantly. Regular old cash has taken a back seat. Credit cards are ubiquitous at retail locations especially. Many stores offer their own credit cards. That…
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