

'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?': Dawn patrol worker who's woken up repeatedly by a drunken ditzy girl with the wrong number gets petty revenge at 4AM when he starts his shift

'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?': Dawn patrol worker who's woken up repeatedly by a drunken ditzy girl with the wrong number gets petty revenge at 4AM when he starts his shift

Drunk people can be the worst sometimes– especially when you're sober. The worst thing about drunk folks can be their brash behavior and inability to recognize social cues, boundaries, and appropriate protocol. One man, a morning shift worker who was preparing for a 4AM shift , became the brunt of classic drunkard antics one Saturday evening, but quickly got his revenge. u/itzpiiz, let's call him 'Piz', got mercilessly hounded by a ditzy drunk girl one night. The drunkard had the wrong number a…
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MIL shows up announced EARLY in the morning on a weekend

'Her response was he doesn't love his family': Entitled MIL angered when son won't have unexpected early-morning visit with her

This manipulative MIL chose an inopportune time to pop over for a visit, then had the audacity to get mad about it. Early one weekend morning, around 8 AM, this woman's mother in law decided it was the perfect time for her to make an unplanned visit. The surprise visit left the OP furious, and started a huge fight with her MIL , which she chronicled on r/JUSTNOMIL. U/qwerty46538 shared that one weekend morning , her MIL started blowing up her son's phone with texts and calls . Since it was a Sa…
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17 pictures of cats sleeping in weird positions and places |

Cats Sleeping In Weird Places & Positions Because They Are Cats (17 Pictures)

Sleepy babies
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cats and their friends having fun together | thumbnail includes two pictures including three cats tilting their heads together and two cats looking at the camera

15 Photos And Videos Of Cats And Their BFFs Having The Time Of Their Lives

Cat buddies for life!
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21 images of cats sleeping in various positions | thumbnail includes three pictures including two cats stretched out and sleeping on their backs and a kitten sleeping on its back

21 Felines That Really Needed A Li-on: Awwdorable Pics Of Cats Sleeping

The warmest, snuggliest, cutest kitties the internet has to offer.
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21 pictures of cats and keyboards | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - COME OT 7.' and 'Cat - ≡ Ctrl'

22 Cute Cats Who Zoomied Too Hard, Then Fell Asleep On Their Owner's Keyboards So They Could Have The Most Productive Workday Ever

Who needs a bed when you have a perfectly good keyboard lying around?
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video of what a cat does when its owners are sleeping at night | thumbnail includes one black and white picture of a cat sitting next to a sleeping man

Couple Decides To Film What Their Cat Does At Night, The Results Are Hissterical (Video)

Wholesome yet so funny
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19 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Head - Jennifer McLean Wacker.on' and 'Dog'

19 Precious Pitbulls In Pajamas That Inspire Us All To Hit The Snooze Button A Few More Times

How can you resist those faces?
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52 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Water' and 'Cat'

52 Adorably Chonky Animals Who Fell Asleep Wherever To Inspire You To Self-Care Saturday

Just wait to fall asleep until after you take off your face mask, okay?
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31 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat' and 'Cat'

31 Seriously Sleepy Kitties That Want You To Stay Under The Covers This Caturday

5 more minutes...
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aww wholesome cat twitter adorable thread heartwarming cute cute cats tweets uncomfortable viral Cats sleeping - 19163141

Twitter Thread: Awwdorably Calm Cats Chilling On Their Humans And Showing Off Their Danger-Bellies

Calm, content, chill
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8 of the Best Fluffy Feline’s Sleeping Positions for a Good Laugh on a Rainy Day

8 of the Best Fluffy Feline’s Sleeping Positions for a Good Laugh on a Rainy Day

She may or may not snore.
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20 Relatable memes for night owls who always stay up way too late and regret it the next day

20 Relatable memes for night owls who always stay up way too late and regret it the next day

Why can't we all go to bed early? Simple: it's way more fun to stay up late doing fun activities , and that's just something our future selves will have to deal with.
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Sleepy Memes and Fails for Melatonin-Hungry Millennials

Sleepy Memes and Fails for Melatonin-Hungry Millennials

Raise your hand if you need a nap!
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Relatable Memes for People Who Hit Snooze 100x Before Actually Waking Up

Sleepy Boi Memes for People Who Hit Snooze 100x Before Actually Waking Up

I need me 10 hours a night
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A Youtube video of tiny sleepy kittens stretching, yawning, and reaching for high fives | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny tabby kitten laying on its back with its paws in the air and a picture of a grey kitten smacking another kitten in the face while the other kitten lifts its paw to point at the camera

4 Minutes Of Absolute Bliss: Sleepy Kittens Stretch & Demand High Fives With Their Tiny Little Paws (Video)

Tiny beanssss
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