
"What's Your Favorite Thing to Say to Bring Down the Mood at a Party?": People Share How They've Ruined the Fun


Parties were once a time when like-minded people got together to discuss like-minded topics. Things like politics, local gossip, philosophy, etc. But now, things have just gotten too messy. You can't just calmly talk about politics, and for good reason too. It's absolutely bonkers out there, y'all. So now, when we have parties, it's to have a moment to try and forget our troubles, unwind, maybe even meet some people you wouldn't normally chat with. Still, there's always that one person that has to bring something up that brings to mood down… 


TikToker Lauren Ash recently shared what she likes to say at parties to bring down the silly and make things more serious and she also called upon her viewers to share their mood-changing topics. 


People Have Fake Jobs (original video)

“Capitalism creates busy work… Most of our jobs are not valuable to our society… I really like to bring that up because a lot of people have weird connections to their jobs and people get really mad about it.”


“I'm not obsessed with her, she's just dead…”

This TikToker always gets asked about her tattoos at parties and most of them just so happen to be about her mom… Who passed away… 


ANYTHING Going on in the World

I mean, there is so much to choose from right now—the housing crisis, immigration, gun laws, abortion, climate change, inflation—like, really, you could just pull from a hat an bring the mood down. 


How did you lose all that weight?

A miscarriage… She lost all that weight after she had a miscarriage. Maybe you shouldn't be so curious about people's weight.


Wastewater Surveillance

It's just an interesting fact that a lot of communities are monitoring if Covid is getting better or worse by checking out your poop. Sorry if that's not “party” conversation. 


“Man, this party is so much better than Chemo!”

Some people cope by making jokes—you gotta do what you gotta do to emotionally survive. 


What a Stye Is

Millions of people easily get a stye and that's because it's a pimple in your friggin' eyeball. So yeah, maybe don't talk about it at a party. 


“When are you having kids?!”

That's a loaded question in so many different ways, why would you ever ask somebody that who isn't already talking about trying to have kids?? You better be prepared for lots of people to say they're infertile. 


Pork is the Closest Thing That Taste like Human Flesh

…The more you know. 


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