Fans of anime are very passionate about their favorite series. There is so much anime out there, it's hard to to see even a portion of all that is out there. There are many cult classic series and deep cuts that have strong followings, but don't seem to get the attention they deserve like some anime. Don't get me wrong, I love Miyazaki, but like, come on, that's basic AF. Does that even count as anime when we're reallyyyyy talking about anime?? What about Riku Misora or Ichiei Ishibumi??
“What is the most underrated anime of all time?” (Original Video)
Anime frontiers Crunchyroll, the streaming outlet dedicated to anime, recently asked on TikTok for fans to tell them what they think is the most underrated anime of all time. And lemme tell ya, there is SO much anime out there and everyone has their opinion. If you're looking to start a list of anime to watch, this is a good place to start and make yourself sound cool when doing so.
Something for Everyone:
He couldn't just say one, so he gives a list of 5: Mobpsycho, Spice and Wolf, Maoyu: Archenemy & Hero, Record of Grancrest War, and Hinomaru Sumo.
Kids on the Slope
She advocates for Kids on the Slope so passionately—even Crunchyroll commented on it saying they agree.
Jormungand—if you haven't seen it, GO WATCH IT. This small fan group needs more people to discuss everything.
Black Lagoon
Seriously, this needs more respect. GO WATCH IT ON CRUNCHYROLL STAT.
Adventure of Sinbad
This guy specifies the Magi series, but honestly, it's all good.
Corpse Princess
One of the greatest dark and gritty anime every and most people haven't even heard of it…
Meganebu (Glasses Club)
Just the wackiest most fun adventures you can get in with anime.
Fist of the North Star
It's like Mad Max but anime—ICONIC.
Ghost Stories
This TikToker swears this show will solve all your life problems, so just go watch it.
Run with the Wind
Great dialogue, great storylines, completely underrated.