If you've never dabbled in dating apps before, they can be a very frightening place. We like to think that most people are nice and normal in the world but to be honest, not sure if that rule applies to Tinder.
We're not here to get into the psychology of dating apps, and judging people solely based on their appearance, because we already know by now that plenty of people meet their significant others on the apps and go on to have very happy and healthy relationships. It's definitely not fair to say that the only proper way to meet someone is in person because, well, it's not 1952 anymore, Karen.
The chances of meeting someone you vibe with are always fairly slim, but downloading the apps definitely increases the likelihood due to their popularity. The more people download them, the higher the chances you may match with the person you're most compatible with.
Anyway, enough with the boring stats. TikTok content creator @misssm0lly blessed us with a hilarious video of her reenacting the different kinds of bros we all get the privilege of seeing on Tinder, and boy was she spot on.
We should even note that she is based in Australia, and yet it's the same story in the US. That's pretty impressive, or depressing, depending on how you want to look at it.
Tinder Selection
The video got quite the response. Perhaps people related a little too hard to this selection.
Here are some of the most iconic comments we found:
Not the cat being super still for ✨dramatic effect✨
And they’re all gonna gaslight you 😂
What about the ones who pose with their middle finger up?? Or always have sunnies on?
You forgot the one where he’s sitting on the bed and taking a selfie in his bedroom mirror 😅
You forgot the one with the truck 😂
Don’t forget the one with the cigarette hanging out of his mouth, or the one with the sunnies and flipping the bird to the camera
People demanded a part two, and so Molly definitely delivered. Still, we are amazed at how similar the selections are across the world. Is anyone original these days?
Tinder Selection Part 1
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