The 1958 edition of American magazine McCall’s, featuring '129 Ways to Get a Husband'
That's a lot of ways! Arguably too many. But beggars can't be choosers, so let's take a look at Tip #4...
Tip #4 Join a hiking club
Hiking is great for many reasons. It's the perfect way to get some exercise and it's also a wonderful opportunity to bask in nature's glory (depending on the trail of course). But there's a secret, lesser-known third benefit, which is that it's also a great way to meet people. Particularly, your future husband.
Hiking is great for many reasons
Sure, exercise is a great thing, and yes, the scenery is fantastic. But let's get real; you can visit a gym to burn off those calories, and you can go to the park if you're that desperate to see some trees. But the ONLY reason you should be joining a hiking club is to land yourself a man. And not just any man… your husband!
Mutual interests are great conversation starters
Now hopefully you give this tip a go because hiking sounds like something you could potentially enjoy. Or at least you've done it before and you know you enjoy it. I say this because having an obvious mutual interest is already a great start to building a potential relationship, as it automatically gives you something to connect over. If you hate hiking, this tip is not for you.
But don't fake it
It goes without saying that your 'passion for hiking' shouldn't be the primary compatibility feature between you and a partner. But it's a great starting place. Not only that, but it's a hobby that is basically a date location in itself. Let's take a look…
Once you've spotted your target, the hike can begin
So you join a hiking club, and you arrive at the meeting place for your first hike. You do a quick and subtle sweep of the group, to assess the potentials. You spot a few possible targets, so you pick one and make him today's project. The hike begins…
Tactic #1
You can either start off by ensuring that you're a little further ahead than he is so that he has a good view of….
Walk ahead. Fall over. Be strategic
The trail.
Come on ladies! This way, he can catch you up and start a conversation with you. You've planted the seed, let him do the rest of the work. You might even want to work in a stumble or fall just ahead of him so that he can rush over like a knight in shining armor and help you up. BOOM, a damsel in distress. No man can resist that!
Tactic #2...
Alternatively, you could start off by walking next to him and asking how proficient a hiker he is. Ask him to tell you about other trails he's been on, or if he's gone hiking abroad. Let him show off his skills and experience. Men like that sort of stuff. It makes them feel all… manly.
Make the hike a first date and he doesn't even have to know he's on one
If the trail is a few hours long, you're basically on a date anyway and is a good opportunity to get to know someone really well, as you walk and talk and admire the views. It's then really easy to say to him at the end "I'll see you at the next hike," or "we should do this again sometime". It means that you don't have to straight up ask him on a date. And vice versa. You're guaranteed to see him again.
Take pictures. Get to know each other
Honestly, a hike is the perfect time to get to know someone. Get cute, make it fun, and enjoy yourselves. And if you decide you don't like him, there's no need to stress. You're part of a hiking club now... next hike, just choose a different hiking buddy and go through the steps again!
It's a great place to meet a husband
And who knows... this might just be the place you meet your husband, and you will continue hiking together late into your old age. Because that's where you met, that's where you fell in love and that's your thing. I think hiking (or sport of any kind) is a great place to meet a potential partner. Girls, what are you waiting for... start researching your closest trail paths!
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