The Kardashians Are Just “Stylish” Doomsday Preppers and if You Don’t Think So, TikTok Will Convince You


The Kardashians are known for a lot of things and many conspiracies have been formed around the wealthy celebrity family. They're each worth millions of dollars on their own, and together they are an unstoppable force of the 1%. On of the most recent conspiracy theories about the family is starting to actually make sense, though… Though they've never out right admitted it, but many are starting to believe that the Kardashians are definitely doomsday preppers. 


You may just be thinking, “oh, they're not doomsday preppers, they're just rich and hoard things like the rest of those money hungry people.” But not really. Upon further inspection, their greed goes beyond that of the bourgeoisie and into that of someone getting ready for the end of the world. Don't think so? TikTokers are pointing out what makes this conspiracy a totally believable one.


Kim's Underground Compound… aka a Bunker


This person who works in construction actually commented on a TikToker's post pointing out the Kardashians shadiness by recalling that Kim was in a legal battle with her neighbors because she was building a huge underground compound that she calls a “wellness center," but we all know the truth.


If that doesn't convince you enough, other point out an episode in which you get a glimpse of Khloe's wealthy pantry, and it goes WAY beyond kitchen prep for a mother of one. Some say she keeps it overstocked for the crew to enjoy since they are constantly on set due to her reality TV status. But those who have worked on set and even worked for the Kardashians says that this is simply not true and it even goes way beyond a set up for a TV crew. Viewers are calling it “stylized doomsday.”


Khloe's Excess Pantry

Kendall's “Health” Machines


Viewers also question Kendall's obsession with “being healthy.” The Kardashian says it's an “almost embarrassing” hobby of her's, that she's just “obsessed” with keeping her body healthy. But the lengths she goes to indulge in this “hobby” seems absurd to many, almost like she's prepping her body for more than just your everyday health, but for maybe staying healthy within a world thrown into nuclear winter or something???


A proud doomsday prepper on TikTok even points out that the Kardashians are making the end times a mainstream belief. She points out that they've even openly talked about their “bug-out bags," which are bags you keep ready and handy if you need to run for your life in a pinch. 


Kardashian's “Bug-Out Bags”


It's not surprise that a rich family is actually a bunch of doomsday preppers, there are theories on every 1%-er secretly getting ready for the collapse of mankind. It's pretty funny to see a family like the Kardashians in the same boat, but they are some of the richest people in the world, so… Makes sense. And let's be honest, if the wealth was distributed equally, we'd all probably prep some precautions in case of emergencies too. 


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