Family Discovers Fake Wall in Their Home, Knocks it Down and Finds a Hidden Domesday Bunker


The world doesn't seem to be doing so well right now. More and more headlines are coming out making it seem like life is pointed toward destruction. Whether it's the war or the climate, things just keep seeming bleaker and bleaker. But that doesn't mean everyone is going to just give up. In fact, I'd say it's an innate human reaction to try your hardest to survive. There have been many generations before that thought the end was near. Countless people invested in their own end of the world bunkers, and I guess, those times are back.


Doomsday bunkers are popular there days, but they're not cheap. To build your own and then fill it with the necessary items needed to sustain life cost a pretty penny. So when you buy a house and discover a free doomsday bunker inside of it, then that's pretty cool. TikToker @stinknjeepn recently shared a couple of videos of her family discovering just that. 


Part 1: Fake Wall


The TikToker's parents bought the house and recently realized that there is a fake wall. They had no idea what was behind it, so they decided to knock it down and do a little exploring. When they did they discovered rows of shelves with big labeled plastic containers on them. As they created a hole big enough to them to enter the hidden room, they were finally able to read the labels and discovered that this wasn't just an extra storage room, it was a doomsday prep room.


Part 2: Doomsday Prep Boxes Discovered


The house was originally built in 2004 and the TikToker's parents bought the house in 2019. They realized it must have been the original owners who created the room and prepped it, because the owners before the TikToker's parents, but after the original had no idea it was there. What they found in the boxes were things like first aid supplies, lanterns, non-perishable foods, etc. Her parents plan on knocking down the fake wall and expanding the garage. The TikToker has returned to her own home in another state, but plan on purchasing a heavy duty metal detector so they can return to her parent's property of 10 acres and explore around the grounds to see if anything is buried. 


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