TikTokers Roast Rich Girl Who Posted Her Family in a Mansion Looking for the Last $20 During Their Easter Egg Hunt


Many TikTokers are finding it difficult to relate to this rich girl on TikTok. Kaylee Sticker, a basketball plater for Samford University, recently shared a video of her family having a wholesome time this past Easter. Her mother hid their Easter eggs the night before after a view drinks and they were struggling to find them all. Nice light family fun. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Oh, except that this family appears to be insanely rich and living in a dang castle?? 


Unless you are from a completely different tax bracket than most TikTokers, and in fact most U.S. citizens, this Easter egg hunt is anything but ordinary. First of all, there's $20 in each egg?? I was always under the impression your parents buy a single bag of Hershey kisses and puts one kiss in each egg. Man did I get ripped off… Second of all, holy castle, Batman. Where do these people live?? I half except to see a gargoyle come to life and ask me a riddle in one of those corridors. In the video, as they're searching all over the mansion for the last egg they pass an in-home movie theater, epic wine cellar, huge stone arches, and even a personal bar. Wether Sticker intended for this video to be a house flex video or not, it is. 


“We'll be looking until next year”


If us poor and middle class don't have much, we at least have humor. The comment section in this video turned out to be gold. People are asking Stickler if she checked the moat or the guest house? Or maybe her mother hid the egg under her pile of diamonds?  



Even though it's clear this family is extremely rich and closer to the 1% than most TikTok users, many of the viewers are just having a laugh in the comment section. Nobody seems to be offended of her showing off her riches and nobody blames her for their lower tax bracket status. But it is kind of a kick in the gut to see how some people really be livin' out here… 



The funniest part is, Sticker still hasn't let her viewers know if that $20 Easter egg was ever found—they also demand a house tour. 


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