
10 Misogynistic Things Real Men Have Actually Said On Dates

  • “If women don’t want their asses grabbed I just don’t understand why they would wear revealing clothing. If you know you can do something to prevent being touched why wouldn’t you do it? Clearly, you don’t care that much.”

    Outerwear - EXCUSE ME? Citytv
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  • “I don’t think women should be allowed on golf courses. It’s just more of a place of business for men, and women being there changes the dynamic. I wouldn’t show up to the nail salon, or whatever.”

  • “Women shouldn’t be in the military. If you want to serve your country, go have sex with a soldier. No woman is going to be able to carry me out of a foxhole, so she shouldn’t be serving at all.”

    Clothing - BAMATI Please stop talking.
  • “I just don’t understand why women think they should still get paid on maternity leave. You chose to have a baby, so go raise it. You can’t NOT come to work and still expect compensation. Don’t have kids then.”

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  • Told a guy I am a big hockey fan, he replied “So are you like, really a fan, or do you just like to go to games and wear a pink jersey so you can meet dudes?”

    Clothing - Are you stupid or something?
  • “I hate how women get pregnant and gain a ton of weight then are completely shocked when their husband starts cheating on them.”

  • “You’re almost 30. I think law school is a bad idea. You are better off finding a husband that makes good money if you want to have kids before it’s too late.”

    Forehead - Why are you still talking to me?
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  • “Typically I like to date women who are much younger because women usually peak around 25. You are the first ‘older’ woman I have been on a date with in a while.” –a man with a receding hairline, 7 years older than myself. I’m 28.

    Sunglasses - YOU SICK F*CK. HBO
  • “I just hate how women think they can wear the pants and no one can complain or else they will get ‘me too’d’. When I get married I will be the head of the household since I will be the one making the money.”

    Facial expression - amenjesus There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere
  • “You still sing in a band and you’re like, almost 30? Don’t you think at a certain age women who are singing in bands just look a little thirsty? Like, time to give it up.”

    Forehead - Ew!

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