Now-Professional Photographer Shares the Most Horrible Experiences He Had While Working in Pest Control


TikToker Justin Gummow has been a photographer for over two decades now, but before that he dabbled in other careers. One was working for a pest control company. While he worked there he experienced a toxic work environment and even more toxic clientele. When working with customers, it's common to come across a Karen or two, but it seemed like Gummow was really getting the cream of the crop of Karen customers while he worked there. 


Demanding Customer Tries to Pull a Fast One


This customer just truly tried to do it all. Their evil scheme only half worked, however. Gummow went to the customers house and was ready to do his job. The customer demanded more and more from him, and Gummow had to cancel two other jobs scheduled for that day due to all the additional work this person was demanding he do. Though it took him longer than he wanted, Gummow finished all the client asked for and went along with his day. Then later, it turns out the client tried to call the pest control company and say that Gummow didn't even show up for the job. A huge lie that just did not cut it after all the hours of work he had put in. 


Customer Wants the Ground Poisoned


This customer seemed to be a classic Karen. The EPA creates very specific rules for pets control companies so they don't poison the environment or mess up the ecosystem when they are working on getting rid of an evasive creature in someone's home. This client had an ants problem. They walked out onto their lawn and found the ant hill. The client then requested he pump all the poison directly into that hole into the soil beneath to kill everything. Gummow told the client that doing that was illegal and morally wrong. The customer demanded he do it or they would report him to his manager. He said go ahead and report him, because he isn't about to poison that neighborhood's land just because she was annoyed with some ants. 


“What do you mean you can't fit through that f***ing hole?!”


This one felt personal. The client had a spider problem and told Gummow that they were coming from beneath the house. He asked the client to show him the access point to underneath the house and so he lead him to it. When he saw it, he saw an itty bitty hole hardly big enough for a child to fit through. He told the man that his large body would not fit into the hole, but the man kept demanding he better fit himself through that hole or else. 


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