We've all experienced a little anger while driving. It's not uncommon to get cut off on a day that you just can't get a break on. Maybe you just worked a double, maybe you're coming home from getting berated by your family all day, or maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of bed. Actually, you could be having the best day of your life and still get furious when a car does something dumb that affect you. It's only natural.
Why do people even get road rage? We could just try and let it slide, carry on with our day in peace. But when someone does something so dumb on the road that could've resulted in your life?! Yeah, that'll fill you with rage for sure.
TikToker Maya aka @momoneymayaa recently posted a clip from a video she took of when her dad felt the fury of someone else's rage. She admits her dad was not driving politely and completely cut this man off, so yes, she agrees the road rage was warranted. BUT, that being said, this man took his road rage way to far and ended up regretting it all on his own.
Apparently, her dad cut this man off going way over the speed limit on the road. The man then, I'm sure filled with road rage, proceeds to follow the TikToker and her dad until they pull over and he starts to talk all kinds of sh*t. “Did you get stopped doing 100—you f***ing cut me off! I should f***ing knock you TF out! Actually, I'd probably get my a$s kicked, but…” The man even motioned he was going to punch the TikToker's dad in the beginning of his rage-fueled words. But before the TikToker's dad had a chance to respond or even before the road rage-filled man had finished his though, he cut himself off regretting his decision to try and start a fight.
Road Rage:
You can see that the road rage is at the height of it's passion when the guy gets out of his car and starts yelling at the TikToker's dad. As he continues his yelling, you can start to see the realization of his overreaction start to settle in. And before he finished talking he decided to try and make this a productive conversation rather than a rage filled one that ends in a fight where he'd probably get his “a$s kicked.”
The TikToker says the entire video is hilarious, but refuses to shared the entire thing or even mention the video again due to the negative response of so many viewers on TikToker saying that her dad deserved it. “Y’all do realize I never said he was wrong in his anger or anything else about him…. Just laugh and move on. I don’t need the think pieces,” she says. “I AM saying he didn’t need to follow us home. NO dad reveal. no story time. no video. just vibes.”
So that's all we'll see of this road rage moment in time. What exactly did these drivers learn? Maybe to think before you cut someone off, but also to think before you start a car cash out of frustration. Maybe.
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