For many long years we have fought the battle against boredom. It was once a war in which only the rich and privileged would partake. Collapsed on their chaise lounges, draped in furs and silk, bloated from wine and cheese, the wealthy would submit to languidness. Perhaps even afflicted with gout. As the novelty of each jester and dancer waned, the boredom festered. But at least they had wealth. At least they had power.
Since technology has rapidly changed humankind, making convenience less of a privilege and more of a norm, the everyman has become more acquainted with the listlessness that comes with options. While we're not being fed literal grapes or being fanned by servants, there are drastically more ways to spend our excess time. And somehow, this causes indecision and idle apathy. When we're feeling the pain, we usually turn to the cornucopia of information that is the internet. And more often than not, we're in search of memes. If that describes you, well, you're in luck. We've got a whole lot of that ammo for the constant conflict we've been describing. Godspeed.