Woman’s Wild Tale About Meeting Her Spouse Leaves People Open-Mouthed

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    Photograph - Lulu* * @creolepatra242 · He caught me breaking into his house instead of calling the cops he rolled one up and we chilled.. we have been together ever since and are actually married now!
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    Font - Blook but legal @upperdash This is some Adam Sandler romcom s t Helios @Helios_Seven He's just an ordinary guy, and she's a burglar. This summer worlds collide in "Your honour, she stole my heart"
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    Facial expression - adam @akarayad ROBBER: I'll steal everything ME: [thinking] u won't steal my heart ROBBER: you look stunning btw ME: [under breath] f k random.ape
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    Product - Yes I discrimate, coloreds only .. You mean to tell me I gotta wait for a girl to break into my house to find love taith Stand
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    Shirt - DON OF LAGOS @RowlyDaDon Step 1: Break into his house Step 2: Get caught & smile at hun Step 3: Roll up and chill with him Step 4: Don't stop chatting with him afterwards
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    Outerwear - Lady Danbury's eyebrows @Ki..
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    However, all was not as it seemed.

    Font - cj. @chazaayy The rest of the story LOVE YOURSELF Follow Lulu & @creolepatra242 -Im only here to laugh and lie. W.E.B DuBoss @castle_rome Not even her in the picture e Indianimal @nynydapimp LMFAO


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