From seasoned taxi drivers to freshly granted license holders, anyone who has driven in the big smoke will tell you that it's an entirely stressful experience. All the traffic jams, toll rates and angry drivers are enough to put anyone on edge; it's nothing short of a miracle that people don't snap more often.
However, when they do the results can be explosive. This isn't always a bad thing, though, as @bcheungz has proved. The Twitter user has recently gone viral after capturing an altercation at an intersection below his apartment that was nothing short of theatrical. When a truck behind the car at the front of the traffic honked their horn immediately after the lights turned green, the driver decided to retaliate with a dance routine. Leaving his car for an elaborate performance in the middle of the road, it's safe to say that the trucker got the opposite of what they'd hoped for.
While the video is entertaining to watch, not every viewer agreed with his actions and some wondered who was at fault when it came to the incident. This didn't stop the driver enjoying his slice of internet fame, as he got in contact to confirm that he didn't regret his actions. Perhaps they should start adding dancing lessons to the driving test.