Back when punching letters on a machine was a legitimate skill, typing used to be a respected career choice. It took real dedication and education to be able to string out sentences with accuracy and speed.
Things couldn't be more different now. Now that everyone and their dog has their own personal screen, standards have slipped further than we ever could have imagined when the typewriter first got invented. We all type these days, almost all of the time, but often we don't pay the most attention to what the end result is.
Because of this, modern life is ripe with different typos. Sometimes, it's simply the case of a technical malfunction, but other mistakes are 100% on us. At least most of us are able to see the funny side of this, as evidenced by r/ihadastroke. If people are out there writing a whole load of (presumably) unintentional nonsense, we may as well have a good laugh about it.