It's said that humans can become addicted to cats. The cause? A little parasite called toxoplasmosis gondii. Toxoplasmosis, the disease that is caused by the parasite, can affect nearly all living creatures, though it is most common in cats. Despite that statistic, it's been documented in humans as far back as the days of Ancient Egyptians, as evidenced by their mummies. And many think the parasite can influence humans to engage in risky, even psychotic behavior. A bit less seriously, scientists believe the parasite can cause us to become obsessed with, you guessed it, cats.
Judging by the presence of felines on the internet - and the way I feel about my own cats - these scientists may not be far off. The wealth of cat content on the internet is impressive bordering on excessive. Cat pictures are doled out by the thousands, often as antidepressants, or trading cards between similarly obsessed friends. When we really think about this parasite and its alleged effect on humans, the constant stream of cat memes, cartoons, and gifs can start to feel a little dark. But not dark enough to partake. That is probably because we are long term victims of toxoplasmosis ourselves.