In states where the Devil's Lettuce is legal, stoners everywhere unite on their favorite holiday of the year: Thanksgiving. Everyone who's ever smoked has probably considered the benefits of a holiday completely dedicated to eating a ridiculous amount of food. The danger is that when the munchies take control, there's no stopping you. Get out of the way grandma, I MUST have an entire plate of potatoes or someone's going to get hit with some deep thoughts.
The best feeling ever is when your cousins all start becoming a little older. How quickly has the kid's table turned into the dank table? All it takes is one cousin to give everyone else the "look" and now they're all talking a little walk outside for some fresh air. The aunties and uncles might wonder what they always do on this sacred walk every year. Since one cousin brought a soccer ball, perhaps they're going out to the field for a quick game. They're right about one thing at least, grass is getting smoked one way or another.