They always say that it takes two to tango - but clearly, that doesn't apply to men when it comes to babies. Hold that thought, let us correct ourselves - yes, of course, you need both a man and a woman to create a baby (not for long though lol). You need a man and a woman to create a marriage, a relationship, and a partnership for god's sake. So why is it that men magically forget about all of this when it comes to being in solidarity with their pregnant wives?
Just because they're not physically carrying the children inside themselves, doesn't mean that they should be excused from sobriety… or should they?… Welp, that's exactly what we have in store for y'all today. A new father expresses his frustration to Reddit saying that his wife had the audacity to ask him not to drink in solidarity with her while she breastfeeds their newborn baby.
To say the guy is an ignorant, arrogant, and misogynistic man is an understatement. Have a read for yourself and let us know your thoughts.
Pleaaaase. The 'apparently that's a thing?' comment sent us. Literally boy bye!
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