Family Gets Stuck at Mexico Boarder After Their Dog Locks Them Out of Car, Hilarious Problem-Solving Ensues


One family found themselves in an odd predicament while making their way across the boarder and the way it all played out, they could truly only laugh about it. How the dog ended up alone in the car and locking everybody out was not explained, but they were definitely in a pickle. The mom tapped on the window and moved her arms like a dog to see if the pup would mimic her and open the door or something but nothing. 

The family kept trying and trying, but nothing. Their sweet lil pupper just sat there unaware of the issue he just caused. How do you even explain this situation to boarder patrol?…


Finally, a stroke of genius hit them. Their dog gets extremely jealous whenever mom holds another dog. So with the help of a volunteer pup, she held this sweetie up to the car window where her dog could see, in hopes of getting him to freak out and hit some lucky button. Amazingly, the plan worked! The pup took one look at his ma showing love to another dog and instantly got extremely jealous. He started barking and hopped onto the window arm and BAM he hit the window button. 

The crowd that had gathered around them started cheering and laughing because what in tarnation did they just witness? The mom reached in and unlocked the car and the pup looked around confused at all the cheering, but definitely looking content like he just saved the day. Obviously unaware that he caused the problem in the first place. 

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