Animal Comedy Newsletter

Working Doggo of the Week: Hardworking Mallinois helps volunteer first responders rescue missing hoomans in the rubble after the earthquakes in Turkey


In the wake of any natural disaster, working dogs have been utilized for centuries to help find, rescue, and take care of humans in need. Because of a dog's trainability, fearlessness, and eagerness to please, they are the perfect heroes for anyone to see coming to their aid in the distance. Following the disastrous earthquakes in Turkey, there have been many working doggos out in the rubble, saving people who are trapped inside or have gone missing amongst the debris. One fearless Mallinois, named Latte, has saved hundreds of people, with the help of his master who is a dog trainer by trade and a volunteer hero to many civilians. 


Now, what's particularly extraordinary about these good boys (and girls), is that none of these dogs are actually trained rescue animals. They haven't been trained in high stress situations like a police dog or a military dog might be, these are just highly trained and highly motivated pooches who listen to their owner's every word. Belgian Mallinois Puppy Club, or Puppy Mallinois Turkey on Instagram and Youtube, is literally a lone man who breeds and trains pure bred dogs. 

These dogs are not specifically trained to save people or rescue folks from natural disasters, in fact, this man only trains dogs for home protection and for general good behavior, but when the earthquakes decimated towns near his local area, he sprung into action and brought his dogs along with him. 

This man has put his doggos lives at risk and put himself in incredibly dangerous situations.Volunteering his time, energy, and skilled pooches, he and his dogs have saved several people trapped in fallen buildings, cornered under debris, and fighting for their lives in this desolation. These might be the most incredible dogs on Earth and they clearly trust their owner without question. He's sent them deep into tumbling cement panels, amongst fallen debris, and into sketchy areas so that they can sniff out any survivors and help them out. 

These dogs and this man have courage beyond measure and are undoubtedly heroes in their own right. Now those are some amazing working pooches and have earned the title of this week's tip top working pup.



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