This parent has a question about their dating life, and they aren't going to like the responses.
U/sasisgsbseb asked if they're wrong for the way their girlfriend has been treated by their daughter. The whole situation went down when the OP took their 12 year old daughter to lunch with the 47 year old OP's 33 year old GF. "My girlfriend does not particularly like interacting with waiters or waitresses," the OP admitted. While the GF's prior bad experiences with waitstaff might have made her want to avoid them, it's a bad look to assume they'll all always be rude to her.
OP isn't going to be happy with what the commenters had to say. They were called the jerk for enabling their GF's behavior. The OP's daughter may be young, but even she was concerned enough about the way the GF was treating the waitstaff that she felt the need to speak up. Alongside with leaving a big tip next time they're dining, maybe the OP and their daughter should stick to dining with just the two of them, at least until everything is sorted out with the GF.
Next up, these people shared the goofiest solutions they've ever seen — that actually solved the problem at hand.
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