Whenever you think a situation is going to be simple, your brain halts you immediately and says, 'No way, Jose! There's way more to this– better start overthinking'. So perhaps there are things in life that are easy, but for an anxious mind, nothing's ever simple. We anxious folks are prepared to overthink every word that leaves our mouth, every awkward social encounter, and every double-meaning text we get from our crush. If it's not the self-doubt, it's the self-deprecating humor that helps us move onward and upward in life! So even if you're an anxiety-ridden basket-case whose intrusive thoughts are winning an endless battle, the cure for your biggest stressors in life may just be simple than you thought. A laugh, a giggle, or a simple snort at a meme on your phone can be the perfect distraction from life's heaviness and the perfect stress relief for an anxious brain.
So go ahead, chill out and scroll down for some self-deprecating anxiety memes to laugh at before overthinking your next move.